View Full Version : You can't play guitar or accept money near a hospital((almost a Kelly Thomas))

06-27-2012, 05:55 PM

Video text:

This was last night at the Medical Center. This homeless person was playing guitar and singing in the street in front of the Emergency Room door. Along come two security guards and told him to get out off of the street because he was in the middle, the boy moved to the sidewalk and kept singing. Then one of the guards said, "I said get the fuck out, or do you want me to tell you in a different way?" A lady gave the boy a $1 and said, here, now go so you wont get hit. one of the guards takes the $1 and says, here you can not ask for money, then the lady tells the guard: he didn't asked I gave it to him. The boy tells the guard, Ok I'm going but give me the $1 she gave me. Another guard says start and go or I'll arrest you. The boy says, you can not arrest me because you're like a "Mall" guard, plus I'm not doing anything wrong. What is not shown in the video was handcuffed him, threw him to the floor and took him to the barracks next door. Soon came 3 patrol cars to look for the boy and charge him with disorderly conduct. what they did not expect was that all (yes, ALL) these people served as witnesses to the boy and told what actually happened and not the version the guards wanted to tell. A few minutes after leaving witnesses, left the boy with the broken guitar, cut wrists by handcuffs and a bruise on his face and he left the area quiet, but not before thanking one by one the witnesses for their courage and help.

Google translate + minor edits by me.

Minutes later, state police officers arrived on the scene to put under arrest the homeless for an alleged complaint of breach of the peace, but then released him. http://www.elnuevodia.com/captanforcejeoentreoficialesdeseguridadydeambulant e-1288229.html