View Full Version : How Fox News is killing the Republican Party

Michael Landon
06-25-2012, 10:06 AM

A very interesting, and truthful, view of Fox News by Kurt Sutter, the creator of Sons of Anarchy, which happens to be on FX. :)

- ML

06-25-2012, 10:39 AM
im not sure i agree- but if it is true- i wish they'd hurry up already.

06-25-2012, 11:27 AM
As you all know, I’m constantly berating cuntbloggers for wrapping a story in manipulated, singular stands of truth. It’s all about the headline and the site hits. Journalism and truth are no longer goals or guidelines. For me, the impact is a biased reputation: I’m perceived as an arrogant, defiant, hotheaded, foul-mouthed hater. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t possess those qualities, surely I do. But if the lazy cunts perpetuating that image actually read the lion-share of my social media -- tweets, blogs, vids, interviews, etc. -- they’d see that I’m actually a few shades lighter and dare I say, maybe a bit more complex.

06-25-2012, 01:33 PM
MSNBC and CNN are seen as liberal media. And I guess that’s true, they do lean left. .... MSNBC and CNN don’t twist empirical data the way Fox News does. They, at least presently, still lead with truth before they lay their sway.

I guess he never watches MSNBC or CNN who are no different. I wish I could get the time back I just wasted reading that garbage.