View Full Version : Interim goals before TeaParty07

11-16-2007, 04:07 PM
I am all in favor of those of you who are saving all your donations for the bomb. Personally I think it is also important to have a steady stream coming in, even if it is a reduced stream.

We passed 8 million for the quarter on Nov 5 - can we shoot for 9 million by the end of November and 10 million by the Tea Party? I will commit to $10 per week until the Tea Party in addition to my Tea Party pledge.

Anyone else? Or do you think we should hold it all back for the record breaking day?

11-24-2007, 09:40 AM
LIsten guys, I saw something...maybe email that was saying exactly that from Paul's campaign people.

Since they have to schedule up to two weeks in advance spending the money and since it has to be spent before the end of the quarter, the letter indicated the need for monies and publicity to be ongoing.

There was also something about the tea party date being moved up to November 30,2007.

If anyone can confirm this please do. And if this is true, we must get the word out.

11-24-2007, 09:54 AM
There was also something about the tea party date being moved up to November 30,2007.

If anyone can confirm this please do. And if this is true, we must get the word out.

No. The Tea Party date has NOT been moved up. It is still scheduled for December 16. Dr. Paul himself has mentioned it in more than 1 interview that it is supposed to bring in more than on 11/5. We cannot let him down and fail. (Here's one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUO9r36bVsQ&eurl=)

That said, because of the email that Jonathan Bydlak from the campaign sent out a couple of days ago, an intermediate money bomb was setup for November 30, to hopefully bring in some money to the campaign before 12/16. It is called, www.rudysreadinglist.com Please do not construe this as replacing The Tea Party. The Tea Party is still on and as planned, it will be the big money bomb. www.teaparty07.com