View Full Version : RFID Chip Unleashed On USA in Schools - Utah

06-07-2012, 05:48 PM

Listen to the crap that comes from the MSM. They act like it is okay to use kids as a resource to be harvested. "Hookey" costs "Schools Money". Lets analyze that phrase for a second. How about the refusal of a human being to attend a required Government Indoctrinaction Center in order for the Government Indoctrination Center to prove to the Government that they deserve more Government Funds from the Government, ahem, excuse me, YOU, as the Government either takes its money from you or it prints money out of thin air which also is taking from you.

And schools are exactly that. Government Required Government Indoctrination Centers. Kids that go to school are pretty much held hostage against their will and forced to observe and agree with the spin that any subject has put on it by the schools. Schools now teach that the likes of Jefferson, Washington and Franklin were Terrorists, the Bill of Rights is the Bill of Permissions given to you by the Government, and above all else: OBEDIENCE.

And why do the kids attend these 'so called' schools? So that school can take more money from YOU. Its not as simple as robbing Peter to pay Paul. You'd need about 500 other 'P Names' in that list in order to understand the complexities of schools getting paid by some other form of government for your kid going to get essencially nothing short of brainwashed.

And since you pay for it, you dont get any say so in the matter in which school your kid will be attending. You get no say so in the cirriculum. You get no say so in the food you send your kid to school with. You get no say so in how to deal with bullies or shitty teachers. Your kid is treated as Chattle. Less than human. A resource like Tuna or a Cow to be harvested for what they can bring with their imprisonment by said facility.

What else dont you get a say so in? The requirements that you have to meet for your kid to attend that school. They are required to have dangerous vaccinations. They are required to live within such and such prison district. They are required to allow the school to extend its authority from just the school but in to your home with homework. They are required to be subjected to full body searches, strip searches, pat downs, metal detectors, and to take any prescription medications as required by the schoolboard. And if your child ever eats a piece of pizza (which is not really a vegetable) into the shape of a gun, brings a toy soldier to school, or so much as shoots a spitwad at another student, the Police that are present on campus will arrest your child and charge them as an adult with nothing short of full on Criminal Charges. Felonies for Spitwads. And a criminal record that will follow them for the rest of their natural born lives.

Then we have the quality of the education. The word Quality implies that a product or service has a worth or value. And the so called 'Education' is such a laughable phrase that it is outright ignored by most employers when and if your kid does somehow manage to survive the roughly twelve years in the system. The subject matter being presented to your kids is being replaced by an entirely different subject. Sure the classroom may read Math 101 but what is really being taught is Obedience, which has absolutely nothing to do with Math. Other subjects like Physical Education are being cut entirely because other subjects being taught take precedence over your kid having a way to vent some of that pent up energy. Other subjects like Obedience.

Make no mistake, Schools are NOT Schools. They ARE Government Indoctrination Facilities. This is where they go every day and are forced to listen to whoever they are told their Great Leader is in whatever class they take. It is Public Brainwashing. They are taught to be Obedient. They are taught to be Dependant. They are taught to hate School itself. They are taught in order to prepare them for a life in Servitude. But it extends beyond the scope of the prison bars and barbed wire fences that detain your kid for the crimes of being your kid. It extends itself into your home. It is extended by Homework. It is extended by promoting the idea of "Turning in your Parents to Officials" if parents so much as smoke a joint on the weekend, or failed to pay their taxes.

This is what Schools are. Schools are Pre Prison Enviornment Training Facilities. Complete with unelected Armed Police and Barbed Wire Fences. And yet my entire rant on Public Schools doesnt even touch the idea of Chipping your Kids. Whats next? You will be required to have your child receive a Medically Implanted RFID GPS Tracking Microchip in order to attend a Public (*sorry* Government Owned) "School"? And you will be required to register your child, your young and impressionable human being who is dependant on you to protect them from the hostiles of the world, to enroll your child to go daily to places that do these things to them?

I want to go off on the RFID Implant, but first, lets have a little foresight to see what is coming. The current generation of RFID will be replaced by the next generation of RFID the same way as you keep buying brand new iPhones every time Apple comes along and says "Consume". Implanted Chips will also continue to evolve. They will be able to do more and more and more with each sequential generation. Today's RFID chip will be a thing of the past in about 2.2 seconds. Nevermind. Times up. But what is obviously going to be coming in the futre is GPS Enabled RFID Biometric Permanent Recording Devices. But beyond that, in an Orwellian world, these Implants will get much much worse. If Orwell could have fathomed that an implantable microchip could not only record everything you do, he would have also realized that the limitations of Government Required Medical Implants will no longer just be Passive Listening Devices that others can scan for, but Active Devices that can perform other tasks. If Orwell imagined this, he would have imagined our Implants as collars around your neck with built in Tazers and Detonators and some form of audio alert (depending on what generation of Human Dog Collars he would have dreamed up) advising you that if you commit your intended crime that the Police will be Automatically Notified and the Human Dog Collar itself would detain you by Tazering you into submission. Some could be detonated. But hey, its the future and we can dream up what ever horrid stuff we want. What if these Government Required Implants not only Tracked you, and could Tazer you or even Detonate, but completely control you? What if these chips shocked you every time you picked your nose? What if these chips were designed to trigger neurochemicals to be released when you became aggressive around the Cops or Government? What if all the Cops that were ordered to kill you also had these chips?

And we are going to teach our kids that it is okay to open this very dangerous 'Orwellian Nightmare on a bad LSD trip' door by allowing them to carry at first, then implanted RFID chips? "Why dont Presidents fight the War? Why do they always send the Poor?" Ten bucks (if someone wouldnt mind loaning me ten bucks to gamble with) says that not a single Politicians child will ever have to endure the type of treatment your kids must face daily. Just as they dont have Social Security for themselves, or family, their kids are pretty much guaranteed to go to exclusive schools where "how to enslave mankind" are the subjects that are taught bearing the labels of Math and Science.

Have you ever stopped to think WHY your child hates school as much as they do? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, they are right?


Edit: This is my own writeup, not a copied and pasted article from the video.

06-07-2012, 05:54 PM
When I move up from county committee to township committee & mayor to congress, I'll introduce the chickenhawk act. Any elected official hawking for war must participate in the war themselves in a position of danger. :D

06-07-2012, 06:18 PM
Or maybe just force the Politicians kids to attend "Public Schools"?

I know we all have our own personal horror stories about Public Schools, but Public Schools + RFID GPS Tracking is a Recipe for Disaster. What would YOU do if your kids School District required RFID GPS Tracking on YOUR CHILD?
(aside from the obvious homeschooling solution)

06-07-2012, 06:22 PM
Ever feel like the noose is tightening a little more every day? That's because it is.

06-07-2012, 06:30 PM
Ever feel like the noose is tightening a little more every day? That's because it is.
It's getting hard to breath

06-07-2012, 06:38 PM
this is why i havent tried to have kids yet

i know i am supposed to , wasn't sure i should till recently

we gonna need peeps

06-07-2012, 07:15 PM
Pffft, even the video itself dismisses the claim: "Or at least their ID cards". No one in their right mind is going to try to force microchipping right now.

06-07-2012, 07:25 PM
What disturbs me most is their attitude as if it were okay to microchip them.

06-07-2012, 07:33 PM
Pffft, even the video itself dismisses the claim: "Or at least their ID cards". No one in their right mind is going to try to force microchipping right now.

That is true, but you are missing the underlying problem. Correct, they would never give away their hand and be coercive, not when you can dupe people into believing they are deciding it for themselves and eventually just go along with it. No truly intelligent government "forces" their means of control.....they didn't force the patriot act on us, they didn't force the RFID originally on our passports.....it is seen as an incentive while we have a choice, and then it becomes mandatory once in place. Years ago, I remember my mother-in-law all excited about getting her "new and improved" passport years ago which would allow her "faster and more secure access" at the airport. She was thrilled. Now it is law. The number of examples members on here could give you regarding the illusion of control are too many to list here, but that's what the forums are for.....

06-07-2012, 08:08 PM
My god. I sent this to my mother who is a middle school teacher and has given me hell for home schooling my daughter come fall. I will let you know what she says in reply to this.

06-07-2012, 09:37 PM
The horrid stuff is what comes when we have no chance to fight back against the corruption, but fortunately, that should be at least another six or seven days or so out...

06-07-2012, 09:55 PM
What would YOU do if your kids School District required RFID GPS Tracking on YOUR CHILD?

Can you say...... microwave?

06-08-2012, 09:35 AM
Microwave indeed. Trouble is it leaves a burn mark. Must be a cleaner "stainless" way.

06-08-2012, 09:39 AM

Listen to the crap that comes from the MSM. They act like it is okay to use kids as a resource to be harvested. "Hookey" costs "Schools Money". Lets analyze that phrase for a second. How about the refusal of a human being to attend a required Government Indoctrinaction Center in order for the Government Indoctrination Center to prove to the Government that they deserve more Government Funds from the Government, ahem, excuse me, YOU, as the Government either takes its money from you or it prints money out of thin air which also is taking from you.

And schools are exactly that. Government Required Government Indoctrination Centers. Kids that go to school are pretty much held hostage against their will and forced to observe and agree with the spin that any subject has put on it by the schools. Schools now teach that the likes of Jefferson, Washington and Franklin were Terrorists, the Bill of Rights is the Bill of Permissions given to you by the Government, and above all else: OBEDIENCE.

And why do the kids attend these 'so called' schools? So that school can take more money from YOU. Its not as simple as robbing Peter to pay Paul. You'd need about 500 other 'P Names' in that list in order to understand the complexities of schools getting paid by some other form of government for your kid going to get essencially nothing short of brainwashed.

And since you pay for it, you dont get any say so in the matter in which school your kid will be attending. You get no say so in the cirriculum. You get no say so in the food you send your kid to school with. You get no say so in how to deal with bullies or shitty teachers. Your kid is treated as Chattle. Less than human. A resource like Tuna or a Cow to be harvested for what they can bring with their imprisonment by said facility.

What else dont you get a say so in? The requirements that you have to meet for your kid to attend that school. They are required to have dangerous vaccinations. They are required to live within such and such prison district. They are required to allow the school to extend its authority from just the school but in to your home with homework. They are required to be subjected to full body searches, strip searches, pat downs, metal detectors, and to take any prescription medications as required by the schoolboard. And if your child ever eats a piece of pizza (which is not really a vegetable) into the shape of a gun, brings a toy soldier to school, or so much as shoots a spitwad at another student, the Police that are present on campus will arrest your child and charge them as an adult with nothing short of full on Criminal Charges. Felonies for Spitwads. And a criminal record that will follow them for the rest of their natural born lives.

Then we have the quality of the education. The word Quality implies that a product or service has a worth or value. And the so called 'Education' is such a laughable phrase that it is outright ignored by most employers when and if your kid does somehow manage to survive the roughly twelve years in the system. The subject matter being presented to your kids is being replaced by an entirely different subject. Sure the classroom may read Math 101 but what is really being taught is Obedience, which has absolutely nothing to do with Math. Other subjects like Physical Education are being cut entirely because other subjects being taught take precedence over your kid having a way to vent some of that pent up energy. Other subjects like Obedience.

Make no mistake, Schools are NOT Schools. They ARE Government Indoctrination Facilities. This is where they go every day and are forced to listen to whoever they are told their Great Leader is in whatever class they take. It is Public Brainwashing. They are taught to be Obedient. They are taught to be Dependant. They are taught to hate School itself. They are taught in order to prepare them for a life in Servitude. But it extends beyond the scope of the prison bars and barbed wire fences that detain your kid for the crimes of being your kid. It extends itself into your home. It is extended by Homework. It is extended by promoting the idea of "Turning in your Parents to Officials" if parents so much as smoke a joint on the weekend, or failed to pay their taxes.

This is what Schools are. Schools are Pre Prison Enviornment Training Facilities. Complete with unelected Armed Police and Barbed Wire Fences. And yet my entire rant on Public Schools doesnt even touch the idea of Chipping your Kids. Whats next? You will be required to have your child receive a Medically Implanted RFID GPS Tracking Microchip in order to attend a Public (*sorry* Government Owned) "School"? And you will be required to register your child, your young and impressionable human being who is dependant on you to protect them from the hostiles of the world, to enroll your child to go daily to places that do these things to them?

I want to go off on the RFID Implant, but first, lets have a little foresight to see what is coming. The current generation of RFID will be replaced by the next generation of RFID the same way as you keep buying brand new iPhones every time Apple comes along and says "Consume". Implanted Chips will also continue to evolve. They will be able to do more and more and more with each sequential generation. Today's RFID chip will be a thing of the past in about 2.2 seconds. Nevermind. Times up. But what is obviously going to be coming in the futre is GPS Enabled RFID Biometric Permanent Recording Devices. But beyond that, in an Orwellian world, these Implants will get much much worse. If Orwell could have fathomed that an implantable microchip could not only record everything you do, he would have also realized that the limitations of Government Required Medical Implants will no longer just be Passive Listening Devices that others can scan for, but Active Devices that can perform other tasks. If Orwell imagined this, he would have imagined our Implants as collars around your neck with built in Tazers and Detonators and some form of audio alert (depending on what generation of Human Dog Collars he would have dreamed up) advising you that if you commit your intended crime that the Police will be Automatically Notified and the Human Dog Collar itself would detain you by Tazering you into submission. Some could be detonated. But hey, its the future and we can dream up what ever horrid stuff we want. What if these Government Required Implants not only Tracked you, and could Tazer you or even Detonate, but completely control you? What if these chips shocked you every time you picked your nose? What if these chips were designed to trigger neurochemicals to be released when you became aggressive around the Cops or Government? What if all the Cops that were ordered to kill you also had these chips?

And we are going to teach our kids that it is okay to open this very dangerous 'Orwellian Nightmare on a bad LSD trip' door by allowing them to carry at first, then implanted RFID chips? "Why dont Presidents fight the War? Why do they always send the Poor?" Ten bucks (if someone wouldnt mind loaning me ten bucks to gamble with) says that not a single Politicians child will ever have to endure the type of treatment your kids must face daily. Just as they dont have Social Security for themselves, or family, their kids are pretty much guaranteed to go to exclusive schools where "how to enslave mankind" are the subjects that are taught bearing the labels of Math and Science.

Have you ever stopped to think WHY your child hates school as much as they do? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, they are right?


Edit: This is my own writeup, not a copied and pasted article from the video.

Bravo! Excellent! It's so refreshing when people get the agenda! +rep x's 100 more!

06-08-2012, 04:45 PM
If we have the ability to foresee a possible future, we have the ability to alter that future.

Chipping people is the tipping point in the permanent enslavement of mankind. But technology will not stop advancing just because the tipping point has been reached. The technology will continue to evolve and will do nothing more but further enslave the human race to the will of a small group of dominant men. If you control a persons chip, you will control their life.

Think of it like Dog Training. Some dogs are small, some dogs are large. But the way you obtain total control over a dog is to control their minds, not their bodies. Thus, any size dog can be controlled. That is what the "Public School" or "Government Indoctrination Facilities" are intended to do. It establishes a measure of control on an individual level. Technology in general is being excessively abused in order to further that measure of total control over the individual. The future of tyranny is far more terrifying than the present tyranny.

"There is no Future but the one we make for ourselves."

06-08-2012, 05:00 PM
I already got one.

06-08-2012, 06:21 PM
My god. I sent this to my mother who is a middle school teacher and has given me hell for home schooling my daughter come fall. I will let you know what she says in reply to this.

Good for you. Homeschooling my four kids is the best decision I've ever made. My mom was also skeptical, but she's come around, and would now be mortified if I put them in public school. It's a blast - and stories like this, instead of striking panic and guilt, just serve as confirmation that we're doing the right thing.

06-08-2012, 08:42 PM
I already got one.

They didn't put that tag on your ear too did they? Way to cut down on the nighttime agenda if you know what I mean.

06-08-2012, 08:52 PM
They didn't put that tag on your ear too did they? Way to cut down on the nighttime agenda if you know what I mean.

No, not my ear.


06-08-2012, 08:57 PM
No, not my ear.


Hope that doesn't scare the poor girl when she's getting followed by the government because of your thought crimes.:rolleyes:

06-08-2012, 09:01 PM
Microwave indeed. Trouble is it leaves a burn mark. Must be a cleaner "stainless" way.

06-08-2012, 09:04 PM
What? Did you say it has been crushed? Now how did that happen? Damn!!!!!
That's just my luck, I get the chip that some asshat has crushed......sad and looking down...

06-08-2012, 09:06 PM

That'll work. I already have a place on my desk for a workspace. The varnish is completely gone from banging my head from watching the primaries.

06-08-2012, 09:14 PM
this is why i havent tried to have kids yet

i know i am supposed to , wasn't sure i should till recently

we gonna need peeps

Reproduce and prosper.