View Full Version : Need Help From Christian Values Voters

11-16-2007, 10:49 AM
What convinced you that Paul was the best choice over Huckabee? I'm looking for videos and materials specificially highlighting Paul as the choice from a Christian Values Voter perspective.

11-16-2007, 11:53 AM
I don't think it was any one video, but rather seeing a series of videos and articles from various decades and Ron Paul saying the exact same thing in all of them, no matter what the opposition was saying. For the older Christian demographic, I know that really emphasizing that he has been married to the same women for all these years and has five children and however many grandchildren goes a long way.

Huckabee is definitely a smooth talker who plays well to the old-school Christian base who, once they hear he's a minister, are all in. However, this article really puts Huckabee into perspective:


I think a video compilation of Ron Paul discussing the issues placed next to video/text evidence of Huckabee's actions conflicting with most Christian's values would do the trick. That would work against any candidate for that matter.

Ron Paul's campaign should use the evidence of Huckabee's true character such as the article that I linked to and really spend a lot of time talking with Christian leaders and organizations. Being endorsed by James Dobson would be huge.

11-16-2007, 09:23 PM
PM me your email for my RP flyer to christians......

11-16-2007, 09:45 PM
I was a delgate at the Values Voter Debate - which was a farce.

The thing that tipped the scale in Hucks favor was his stance on Iraq. Ron Paul was actually booed by some when he stated (and rightly so) that Jesus was a man of peace, and that we should treat other COUNTRIES the way we would want other COUNTRIES to treat us.

My reasons for supporting Ron PAul are the same as Wickwires' reasons.

Try going to www.christiansforronpaul.com for more info.

There is a very good flyer already here at The Ron Paul Prayer Network http://ronpaul.meetup.com/158/

11-19-2007, 02:19 AM
This is a very well-written argument in favor of Ron Paul, coming from a Christian perspective... although I guess it depends partly on the views and temperament of the church in question...


11-19-2007, 02:24 AM
The very first video I watched of Ron Paul was the Iowa one where Laura Ingraham introduced him. First thing he talked about was abortion, and he won me over with that. Then hearing him talk about the Constitution and Founding Fathers was huge.

I was for the war before hearing Ron Paul's take on it.

Most conservative Christians LOVE the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, but don't know much about it. That's how it was with me. I had no idea that our foreign policy was so against the Founder's advice, and against the Constitution.

People don't like to admit they are wrong. Us Christians, we were duped, and we were wrong.