View Full Version : Liberty Movement

05-21-2012, 02:14 PM
This idea or slogan, "Liberty Movement" just sounds right. What we're doing is clearly all about Liberty and the fight for Liberty. The good fight actually. It should be noted and accepted. It should be bigger than the tea party. And it should have guidelines and a platform to keep it from being infiltrated by the RINO's that have taken over the "tea Party"......... It's "tent" should be big enough for ONLY those that support Liberty. Establishment supporters should not be welcome. That is, unless they are really looking for a new home, because they finally figured out just how dangerous the establishment is to the future of this country and all things thereof. Like the economy, lives and wellness of our soldiers, debt crisis and other important factors.

It's idea's like this, that propells this country forward, in a new direction. In the direction this country started out heading down. Somewhere along the way, the rhetoric, bad policies and corrupt politicians took us off on the wrong track. In the wrong direction. And the further we go down the wrong road, the harder and longer it will take to get us back to where we, as a country, needs to be.

We have the numbers. We have the right people. All we need now, is time. Time to continue growing our numbers. Time to show that we're in it for the long haul. Time to prove that we're not just a "fly by night" organization. And time to build our own establishment. The Liberty establishment.

Some, like me, have been supporting this movement since 2007. Some, even longer than that. Some have been supporting this idea since reagan. They voted for Reagan, in hopes of bringing Liberty back into the spot light. And many of those were disappointed in Reagan, because he only talked about things we now support. And now, Reagan would be seen as a RINO, because he didn't act on his Liberty principles.

This movement has been, and will continue to be based on action and not what's said. It has been based upon our success's and our failures. Learning from them & growing upon them. I believe this movement has a solid foundation. One that can sustain anything. Any kind of RINO or Democrat rhetoric. Just like Dr. Pauls record. They can talk about it all they want. And there's a few things they can actually pin-point to make their case. But they can't deny that it was all for the good of this country. And if those ideas (such as this Liberty movement) were to have taken root 30 years ago, we'd live in a much better USA today.

In 30 years, my kids will probably be grand parents. And some of us will be gone. But the torch of this movement will be passed along to each and every generation after us. It will grow to the point of recognition, that everyone will know and understand that the reason for all of this, is to save this country, it's grand idea's and it's Liberty