View Full Version : Debate with a Larouch supporter..

05-09-2012, 10:26 AM
The other day I noticed a couple people passing out flyers in support againt Obama. Saw it was larouch supporters and decided to pick their brains a bit not knowing too much about their organizations. We spoke about the fed,
regulations and WW2 recovery. I walked away from the exchange convinced that they just want their form of big
government. I gave him my email and he sent me this video of what I assume is: why Ron Paul and his supporters are wrong on the fed and credit. I am at work and won't have time to view it now. But here is a link for those that want to watch. I appreciate any feedback or rebuttals


05-09-2012, 11:53 AM
Just did a little rudimentary research on him. If I'm getting the gist of it, he's just another socialist with a few good ideas mixed in with a whole bunch of bad ones. He makes a big deal out of the most basic dialectical divide taught in Philosophy 101 of rationalism vs empiricism, and seems to justify his own personal economic vision of a centrally planned new world order based on his belief in the former.

That's about all I care to investigate, if anyone wants to dig deeper...

05-09-2012, 12:24 PM
ABSOLUTELY do not waste your time with those moonbats. They will engage you with the LaRouche gospel he puts out every so often which is long-winded and bunk. They want your contact info to periodically send you shit to read and then they'll give you a follow up call to see if you've been duped into their cult. There's no changing them, they're truly out there. Believe me, I've had the misfortune of dealing with one of those and they just keep on nagging you.

05-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the heads up. That's is sort of the vibe I got from these guys. Knowing that I should probably save my energy and not engage with the guy. It seems they are pretty set in their "ways" lol

05-09-2012, 01:00 PM
The guy kept talking about how we need NASA and space exploration. I told him Newt is waiting to hear from you guys lol

05-09-2012, 01:05 PM
These Larouche guys are always crowding around the entrance to the subway station from which I commute home from work. Lots of yelling about Obama, the Fed, and they usually get people riled up, mostly against them. How they find the time to this day in and day out amazes me.