View Full Version : My Experience at the Austin Rally Yesterday (with Pics)

04-27-2012, 09:07 AM
So yesterday, KMX, myself and a few others carpooled 2.5hrs to Austin from Dallas/Ft. Worth area. it was the 3rd time I've seen Ron Paul this month. What a great month!! Since I really went just to experience the Austin love for Paul, I roamed the crowd and patrolled the entire perimeter taking various pics and video shots of the crowd. I also spent several minutes talking to Paul's young, tall private security guy (the one always near Paul).

While patrolling, I witnessed Infowars interviewing an Army PFC in fatigues. I immediately thought of Jesse Thorsen, the soldier in Iowa who was later reprimanded for interviewing with CNN (before being cutoff due to "technical difficulties") and who later took the stage with Paul and gave a speech, all while in uniform. The PFC was very articulate, knowledgeable, and well spoken during the Infowars interview. I snapped a few pics, but don't want to post here in a feeble attempt to protect the soldier. However, I'm certain he'll be inadvertently outed by Inforwars. Anyhow, after the interview, a man in civilian clothes with a Ron Paul t-shirt came up and began reprimanding the soldier, asking his name, unit, commanding officer, etc. The man then called someone on his cell phone and began reporting the soldier. It seemed very much like a Counterintel plant in the crowd, rather than an actual supporter. I told the dude to leave the soldier alone and mind his own business and the guy walked off.....

Anyhow, here's some of the pics I took. It was a great crowd, an awesome event, and was well worth the 5hr roundtrip! Viva la R3VOLution!!!

Pic taken by Paul's security (the young, tall one) while he was standing on a ledge. You can see the infamous sniper tower in the background.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/415006_3478802886504_1164238561_32728944_467532053 _o.jpg?dl=1

Pic I took from the top of the grassy knoll. Thousands of people sat on this hill.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/474208_3477784381042_1164238561_32728782_116542988 6_o.jpg?dl=1

Grassy knoll pic I took. I've seen this one reposted in several place, so I guess it's gone semi-viral :D
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/466455_3477862382992_1164238561_32728799_64644851_ o.jpg?dl=1

Another image from atop of the grassy knoll
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/412902_3478843527520_1164238561_32728963_131210584 9_o.jpg?dl=1

This is an image that KMX took. There were LOTS of Liberals there!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/562081_416209541737571_100000455868802_1464019_358 897199_n.jpg?dl=1

04-27-2012, 10:15 AM
Thanks Tyler. That bit about the soldier is weird. Definitely the uptight guy was not one of us.

04-27-2012, 10:29 AM
My jaw dropped when I saw this. That's A LOT of people! Awesome!