View Full Version : Drudge placing quotes around Dept of 'Homeland Security'. we should do the same

04-24-2012, 12:36 AM
can't link because it will change, but Drudge is using quotes as a way to be insulting

we should all make it a point to do the same

Dept. of 'Homeland Security' raids flea market over bogus sports jerseys...

04-24-2012, 12:43 AM
Same with Department of 'Education'...

04-24-2012, 02:04 AM
I approve this message.

04-24-2012, 02:15 AM
"Drudge" is a "funny" "guy"

04-24-2012, 10:05 AM
"Patriot" Act.
"No" Child Left Behind
Medicare Prescription Drug, "Improvement," and "Modernization Act" of 2003
American Dream "Down Payment" Act of 2003
Economic "Stimulus" Act of 2008
Housing and Economic "Recovery" Act of 2008
Emergency "Economic Stabilization" Act of 2008
American "Recovery" and "Reinvestment" Act
"Patient" Protection and "Affordable" Care Act
Dodd–Frank Wall Street "Reform" and Consumer "Protection" Act
War on "Terrorism"

Should I keep going? You could do this to just about every major legislation or department passed/created since 1850.

Good idea. I'm going to start putting quotes around everything. "United" States. "Republic"an. "Libertarian" Party. "Election" coverage. "Fair and Balanced" network. "Federal" "Reserve" Act. Someone stop me now. This is getting out of hand.