View Full Version : Ron Paul Was There All the Time

04-21-2012, 07:21 AM

This is a great read. Betty Freauf thank you!

04-21-2012, 07:23 AM
On April 12th I received an alert from Doug Wead, the son of an Assemblies of God minister and co-founder of a famine-relief organization called Mercy Corps International, and one who has been involved in many GOP campaigns. He said in the wake of Senator Rick Santorum’s departure from the presidential race there are signs that some evangelical leaders are refusing to jump on board the Mitt Romney bandwagon and it may come as a surprise to Romney, who takes for granted if he’s selected the nominee, GOP voters will accept him. He’s already selling seats for the inauguration event at $50,000 each. However, evangelicals may be turning to Congressman Ron Paul instead.

Is Romney really selling inauguration seats? That cannot be okay. Is he using those funds for his campaign?