View Full Version : Carson county Nevada election fixing

04-20-2012, 08:37 PM
Just reposting this from Dailypaul

Carson county Nevada election fixing


This is an e-mail I rcvd. today about the Nevada Republican Party's decision concerning a grievance that was filed about their disaster of a county convention in Carson County. Below,that e-mail is a response I sent. Even when "we" are in the top party seats, even "we" are not to be trusted. How sad....
Dear liberty Lovers,

I am writing this to beg and plead to all of you that became delegates, alternates, or know of someone who did to please, please consider coming to the state convention. I am assuming that you support Dr. Ron Paul and that is why you have joined this meet-up. If you do not support Dr. Paul and you are on this meet-up, I respect your right to do so, but I will say shame on you. shame on you for allowing our country to go down this path and not become informed like those who are here with honesty and integrity.

At the Carson County Convention all the folks that attended had their liberties CRUSHED that day. The room was segregated and delegates were herded into groups like cattle. We were treated as if we had some sort of plague due to the candidate we supported. Not only did the Ron Paul people get disenfranchised, but the Santorum folks were robbed as well. They were only given 8 delegates and 8 alternates although the Carson County has reported in their so-called "meeting minutes" they gave them 11 of each. Romney people were told to go over to the Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul corners and take their slots. This gave everyone even less.The Gingrich folks had allocated to them 24 delegates and 24 alternates, but were only able to fill the 24 slots, and they were filled with Romney supporters. Even though we had enough to get over 50% of the delegates, they only allowed Ron Paul to have 12. When "division" was called or "point of order" was called it was completely ignored. A motion would be made and Carroll Howell would say things like, "we are not going to do that" and "NOT going to happen." Bud Southard, Lori Bagwell, Janice and Jay Baldwin ran this as a vendetta and were spewing out these things regarding the 2008 state convention. In my opinion these people would eat their young. I would say that there were maybe a handful of people that were even at the last state convention. Bud Southard began the meeting by yelling at someone who asked for a "point of information." I would say what I really think of this man, but probably not appropriate for a public meet-up.

People were harrassed, intimidated, yelled at, called crazies and whackos. I personally am outraged. The next day one individual said he thought that "they RAPED the youth," the another said, "I felt molested." This is from two different conversations with no mentioning of the other. We cannot let this happen to our young country. We have to speak up.

I must mention that Carson City should have sat 75 delegates and 75 alternates, several people paid the fee, but walked away without a delegate or alternate spot and CARSON CITY DID NOT FILL ALL THE POSITIONS! I would encourage those that paid the fee, but did not get an alternate spot to go to the Carson City GOP office, say that you attended the convention and request you be slotted as an alternate or have you money refunded.

We had sent a 65 page grievance to the Republican State leaders to no avail. Even though we gave them several Robert's Rules of Order violations and clear NRS violations the likes of the higher ups decided to side with the old guard. Those that chose not to complete a grievance that clearly had a grievance, I agree completely with their right to liberty and freedom, but I am sorely disappointed that they too are deciding to give it up so freely without even a paragraph to fight. How much time would it really have taken you?

For those of you who poured your heart and soul, had many sleepless nights after this event, I thank you. I have a family, I love my country, and those who do not speak up for these autrocities I pity. If we end up as N. Korea, having to polish a brass figurine of our leaders before our children head off to school I will look back to our small convention and understand this is from the top down.

I have spent the past 8 or so months canvassing, calling, registering, emailing, making videos, starting chip-ins, blogging, starting websites, etc. for the cause of liberty. To let it slip away without any type of energy is appalling.

To the Republican Party, I will be at your convention, but you will never walk on me or a member of my family, Ron Paul or otherwise again!

We need all of us to show up. Be committed to this. Please make arrangements to be at the Nugget in sparks on Saturday May 5th at 8 a.m. Bring a lunch and plan to stay all day and into the night. We may have to be there on Sunday May 6th as well....(??) We will fight, the fair way! Please look at your children, your friends, brothers, sisters kids and know that this is why you are showing up. Thank you so very much.
My rsponse:

In Storey County, we had our convention the same day as Carson. I came back from our convention happy, and proud that we'd done our homework and elected a RP delegation to go to the state convention. I called my friend Mila to hear how Carson went. Her response was so awful, it was so bad, I felt like I was twisting the knife in her gut even more to tell her how great things went in Storey. As you read below, Carson got robbed. The only reason we prevailed in Storey is because Juanita Cox knew the rules & made sure the Chair and Vice Chair were put on notice that the convention HAD to be run according to the RULES. She even played a phone msg from the party's State Secretary, explaining that the Chair & Vice Chair didn't automatically get delegate slots - that they had to be elected. Our Chair backed down in the face of Juanita, and also knowing she was backed up by several dozen people (the Chair & Vice Chair weren't elected delegates, either).

Anyway, the upside of Carson's convention was that a grievance was to be filed with the party's executive board, and you know who's on the executive board? Yes, mostly RP people. The Chair, James Smack, is one of us. He was one of the heroes at the 2008 State Convention. This lemon of a county convention would be turned into lemonade when the entire Carson County Delegation would not get their seats because of all the rules that were broken at their convention. Revenge would be served cold, at its most delicious temperature. The RP Carson people would show up at the convention, be seated as alternates, and we'd have another big bunch - 75 - delegates to insure that it's a RP delegation that will be elected to the national convention.

BOY, were we naive, stupid, you name it! To imagine that we would think that OUR executive board would vote for fairness, following the rules, the 10 Commandments, the Golden Rule, you name it. NO! Even though notarized grievances were filed that could fill a big binder, with statements supported by eye-witnesses, the executive board decided in favor of the RINO's. Actually they should be called HINO's - Human In Name Only. I was told the decision might have been different if there had been a videotape - VIDEOTAPE? Thirty years ago how were decisions made for the last 2000 years without videotape? Do you think judges, juries, wise men & women could make decisions without videotape? What a sorry excuse for being SCREWED by our own executive board.

Do you know that the Carson County Precinct Delegates paid $35 ea. to go to their convention? Do you know that a lot of those people were democrats and independents whom Mila found & registered for Ron Paul? Most of them didn't have $35 to throw away on being herded like cattle into candidate groups, for a convention where all semblance of rules was PURPOSELY THROWN OUT THE WINDOW. Now, the executive board throws a bone to the grievance filers, saying something along the lines of, well they can come to the state convention & possibly get seated as alternates if Carson delegates don't show. Is the board CRAZY? Do you think these people want to pay $75 to possibly be treated like sh*t again? You know the old saying, "Fool me once....?" These Carson Precinct Delegates are probably wiping the republican party off the bottom of their shoe like a dog turd, and going back to lurking or voting third party.

I'm sorry for this long rant, but I worked very hard with Mila on Carson. I identified delegates for her before their convention & I know for every hour I worked, Mila worked 20. She has been the backbone of Carson, & if not for her, there would be NO RON PAUL CAMPAIGN in CARSON COUNTY. This woman has worked her heart out, & when it comes to a fair decision by our own executive board, she gets the shaft. Well, not only Mila, but the dozens & dozens of RP precinct delegates she recruited. Their votes were stolen JUST LIKE LOWDEN stole our votes in 2008, and to have our executive board condone the SAME KIND of behavior is just DISGUSTING.

So, if there are any Carson Precinct Delegates reading this, you know how important it is that you come to the convention to get those Alternate slots. If you were elected a Carson Delegate, you MUST come to the convention & bring your fellow RP delegates. You have been through a horrible battle, and it's not over. We need to go all the way to our state convention and get our RP slate elected!

There, that felt good to get that off my chest....

Cynthia Kennedy

For an encapsulation of what went down in Carson, read here:


04-20-2012, 08:46 PM
My question really is, why wasn't there video to begin with? I thought it was pretty clear to the grassroots to film these events, if there were no video evidence of the St Charles debacle nothing woulda happened.

I"m sure there has to be some video evidence of this?

04-20-2012, 08:54 PM

Do they mean Washoe County, Nevada? I'm not sure

04-20-2012, 08:55 PM
I guess they just mean Carson city.


Not sure what percent of Nevada or how much this one matters in big scheme?

04-20-2012, 09:14 PM
My question really is, why wasn't there video to begin with? I thought it was pretty clear to the grassroots to film these events, if there were no video evidence of the St Charles debacle nothing woulda happened.

I"m sure there has to be some video evidence of this?

yes there should be video

04-20-2012, 09:54 PM
"We have met the enemey, and he is us."

I'm not saying I oppose the idea to "take over the GOP" but we have to be very careful that once our people get into it, that the GOP doesn't take over them. Just look at the Tea Party if you want a recent text book example of what this looks like and how it happens.

04-21-2012, 12:58 AM
yes there should be video

You shouldn't need to have video when you have sworn testimony of eye witnesses.

04-21-2012, 01:04 AM
You shouldn't need to have video when you have sworn testimony of eye witnesses.

we should have video