View Full Version : Major thanks to llepard!

11-15-2007, 01:34 AM
Not only is he putting up untold thousands of his own money for the USA Today ad, he's accepting critiques from us on how to improve it! And it's working.....the third draft is near perfect.

This ad alone could bring in millions. Very exciting, to say the least.

Thanks, llepard! You're a real hero. :)

Lord Xar
11-15-2007, 01:38 AM
yeah.. he is an awesome dude.

I was running a campaign a while back and I was short a couple hundred -- this was a big push we were all doing here for the Iowa Straw Poll... and he ante'ed up and put in the hundreds to bridge the shortfall. I appreciated it, cause that means I didn't have to make up the difference!!! hehehhehe.

Plus, he is always looking to promote, help, and get the word out.

Given our current financial climate, - for him to step forward and do this speaks volumes of his dedication, commitement and belief. HUGE KUDOS!

Grandson of Liberty
11-15-2007, 01:50 AM
Though I'm sure it's not why he's doing it, my hope is that there's a paragraph or two about llepard in a history book someday. :)

Many thanks!!!

11-15-2007, 01:59 AM
Thanks llepard!

11-15-2007, 02:00 AM
He is truly a hero.

11-15-2007, 02:29 AM
Yes, thanks to llepard and everyone else who is making this happen. I'm going to try and raise funds in order to run the ad in my university newspaper.