View Full Version : San Diego Libertarian Party excluded from San Diego Earth Fair

04-16-2012, 01:34 PM

04-16-2012, 01:41 PM
Only violence and tyranny can save the environment! It has done such a great job so far.

04-16-2012, 02:22 PM
Subject: Libertarians Have the BEST Solutions to Protect the Environment!

During the Industrial Revolution, the big industrial tycoons were tired of being sued and having to pay for and clean-up damages to the environment that they were creating. So these industrialists went to Washington D.C., paid off politicians and soon had the first "environmental regulations" written into law. These regulations, JUST LIKE THE ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS WE HAVE TODAY, primarily exist to insulate big polluting corporations from liability so they can pollute all they want, within the law (laws that they write, pass on to lobbyists, who pass them on to legislators in D.C.).

It is really a shame that some people on the left are so brainwashed by media propaganda, media which, by the way, is paid for by big polluting corporations, to make them think that libertarians don't care about the environment. In fact, libertarians are often made out to be a group that supports the actions of big polluting corporations and want them to be able to do "whatever they want". This is so far from the actual truth it is mind boggling to me. Big polluting corporations have a lot of money and power. Don't you think that if they wanted a libertarian society that the libertarian party would be a little more popular? Everything in this country is highly regulated. In fact, the banking and financial industry is probably one of the heaviest regulated industries we have, yet the corporate owned media has people believing that the problem is lack of regulation!! If you only knew how the Federal Reserve Bank manipulates the money supply, creates trillions of dollars out of thin air for their big banker buddies, which raises the price of commodities, health care, education and how the entire system is setup for the poor and middle class to bailout the very wealthy again and again.. but that is for another discussion (study Austrian Economics if interested in this topic).

However the main point is, if we added more financial regulations, they would be written by the financial industry, handed off to lobbyists who will hand them off to legislators and we will be screwed over again. You must learn how our government works if you want to come up with REAL solutions to the problems we face.

Back to the environment, the EPA is responsible for insulating big polluting corporations from having to pay for damages they cause from their pollution. They aren't there to protect the environment. Just like "The Patriot Act" was not patriotic and destroyed many civil liberties, most government bills and departments in fact do the opposite of what their title is.

Libertarians, in fact, want to hold individuals and corporations who pollute ACCOUNTABLE for their pollution. But the way to do this is not through the federal govt. or the UN. Why? Because there is too much at stake and so the corporations get together pay for lobbyists and make sure those organizations are controlled. It is a good investment for them, monetarily, so they are going to do it whether you like it or not. Imagine, however, instead of paying off a few politicians in D.C., what if big corporations had to go to every city, town, municipality, state government, etc. and pay off those governments? They would go broke, it wouldn't be a sound investment, they would get caught and people could stop supporting them by buying their products. The companies that survived would be the ones who use their profits to make more goods without hurting anybody else or polluting others' property or using their profits to pay off politicians, etc.. That is why property rights are such an important cornerstone of environmentalism.

Not to mention, libertarians are anti-war and the carbon emission from the Iraq war alone are more than 60% of all the worlds carbon emissions according to a UN report (from 2007).

A libertarian President like Ron Paul could help end 60% of the world's carbon emissions TOMORROW as the President has the power to move troops and has promised to end our foreign wars and brings our troops home on his FIRST day as President.

It is really hypocritical, and a shame that you wouldn't allow the SDLP (San Diego Libertarian Party) to attend your Earth Day event. But I believe the real problem is mis-education. Hopefully this letter will help educate your group and accept the libertarians and utilize some of their ideas to help the environment. That is, for you that actually do care about the environment and are not merely bent on a political agenda to control other people rather than educating people about how to solve the problems we face.



04-16-2012, 02:37 PM
^ Awesome!

04-16-2012, 04:17 PM