View Full Version : Pro-Obama picture circulating, how do you respond?

04-13-2012, 10:45 PM
Most effective way to respond to people posting this?

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/553314_431184823573701_108038612554992_1640037_109 0698536_n.jpg

04-13-2012, 10:49 PM
I respond with Ron Paul

Anti Federalist
04-13-2012, 10:51 PM
Let them.

A Romney presidency would be a disaster to the liberty movement, at least as long as we insist on hitching the liberty movement, politically, to the GOP.

Let them think that all those things were done by Obama and that they were factual and that they actually did occur, like the Iraq war ending.

04-14-2012, 01:13 AM
Most effective way to respond to people posting this?

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/553314_431184823573701_108038612554992_1640037_109 0698536_n.jpg Please refrain from the El Douche picture postings . Thank you in advance :)

04-14-2012, 01:59 AM
I respond by advising I have blocked farcebork due to the lack of respect for privacy they have for anyone. Basically, I blocked that shit so facebook pictures dont come up on my networks.

Don Lapre
04-14-2012, 02:28 AM
I respond by noting that the first 10 things listed are actions which are unconstitutional (or dabbling in things which were already unconstitutional).


The last thing - ending the war in Iraq, is bogus.
We still have troops there.


04-14-2012, 03:13 AM
those are all pretty easy. Going to sleep now but here are some to start you off:

Change is:

Changing the name of 17000 personnel in Iraq to 'non-combat' so that the occupation is 'over'.

Changing the Banks victims from home owners to students

Changing the price of a used car to a minimum of $4000 (Cash for clunkers)

Changing equal status under the law to higher status for certain groups (hate crime legislation)


04-14-2012, 07:36 AM
Change is passing the Patriot Act twice.
Change is NDAA indefinite detention.
Change is following Bush's SOFA agreement to the letter and calling it his own.
Change is expanding the military budget to the highest levels since WW2.
Change is suspension of habaes corpus.
Change is making it a federal crime to protest around the president.
Change is expanding the wars and bombing of countries.
Change is expanding government powers
Change is expanding the deficits and debt.

04-14-2012, 08:05 AM

04-14-2012, 08:07 AM
how do you respond?

I don't.

04-14-2012, 08:15 AM
Well, if you have to respond...

Anyone can run up a huge credit card bill, and it's even easier to spend money that isn't yours...
So really, these are not accomplishments but failures...

Besides none of the things mentioned are completely true nor good policy.

04-14-2012, 09:00 AM
This is a liberals view of Obama. He did not "save" the US auto industry (lol aren't all of those occupy protestors complaining about bailouts?) and he sure as shit didn't end the War in Iraq. Student loan reform? To respond to that just look at the latest from Ben Bernanke himself.

04-14-2012, 09:35 AM
How about making a similar picture, but with stuff like his support of the NDAA?

04-14-2012, 10:12 AM
Affordable Care Act my ass. Just got a letter in the mail today that my health care is going up another 20 fucking dollars a month. Thanks a lot President Obama! :mad:

No Free Beer
04-14-2012, 10:21 AM
Change is passing the Patriot Act twice.
Change is NDAA indefinite detention.
Change is following Bush's SOFA agreement to the letter and calling it his own.
Change is expanding the military budget to the highest levels since WW2.
Change is suspension of habaes corpus.
Change is making it a federal crime to protest around the president.
Change is expanding the wars and bombing of countries.
Change is expanding government powers
Change is expanding the deficits and debt.


04-14-2012, 10:55 AM
AIDS. Going down like Bobby Brown. 105 pounds of fluff in a padded shoulder suit.


04-14-2012, 04:57 PM
Change is passing the Patriot Act twice.
Change is NDAA indefinite detention.
Change is following Bush's SOFA agreement to the letter and calling it his own.
Change is expanding the military budget to the highest levels since WW2.
Change is suspension of habaes corpus.
Change is making it a federal crime to protest around the president.
Change is expanding the wars and bombing of countries.
Change is expanding government powers
Change is expanding the deficits and debt.
Don't forget the Bush tax cuts. Some may like 'em, but he didn't change 'em!

And now he is dangling 'em out there like a carrot to the masses, yearning to be freed by the caring hands of government. That is not a put down. I used to be a Democrat. But both Dem and GOP claim to be something they are not, and oppose what they claim to stand for. On top of all the other political games they play with ideologies and religion. It's screwy.

I blame neither parties tbh. Nor my peers whom now govern our nation. But you see in all their learning, reading, and well traveled lives they have failed to see the one true thing. And that is America has never been free. NEVER. Not for all, not for me, not for you. NEVER. And the time is NOW. Not before, and not later. Those things are not real. But they don't "get it."

And so they bicker, and fight, and talk about our history. A lot about our history. A "return to greatness" and "preserving freedom." Really? We have had great success in this country. We are all proud. But the push to real freedom continues even after 200+ years. And I for one will not be deterred from it by any of this phony baloney political nonsense.

Greatness comes through freedom. And to want to preserve what we have and call it real freedom (hey Rick S have fun on vacation) is insane.

All I know is I have to follow this movement and be involved and try to help it live on. Even when Paul is gone. Because I am compelled to. Simple as that. This freedom movement is something I never saw coming for myself. So its extra special :)

04-14-2012, 06:18 PM
wHAT WILL , i DO ? DEPENDS ON THE AMOUNT OF EXPOSURE . I have forced on me , I find it highly offensive if exposure becomes over bearing , grounds for civil suit ;)

04-14-2012, 06:37 PM
I used to be resistant to change in my life; Obama has caused me to take my disdain for change to a whole nother level. I just don't foresee the US at this point altering its progression towards a totalitarian state with a violent revolution. Too many people addicted to the allure of 'hope and change.' I used to wonder how a hitler or Stalin rose to power.... Not so much wondering anymore.

04-14-2012, 07:03 PM

04-14-2012, 07:25 PM
CHANGE is a LIE fomented upon the WEAK MINDED.

04-14-2012, 09:26 PM
My response:


04-15-2012, 10:38 AM
Respond with an Anti- Obama picture http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-Kb3SXkrXBW2BX2EP94JZHmiR-LT5-_1Qt8Yo7qJ5FsmJ58vNi0mP7BVw

04-15-2012, 11:11 AM

04-15-2012, 05:19 PM
Equal Pay for Equal work


Basically, you can file discrimination to a company at ANY TIME so long as you've received a paycheck from them 180 days or less ago. So if you work at a company for 45 years and got discriminated against when you first started there, you can sue them right as you're retiring, even if the employer who discriminated against you is no longer there.

Saving the US Auto Industry


Basically, he's still offering bailouts (which are fucking stupid), but he's being stricter on the companies to offer a plan of action. Not only is he not saving the US Auto Industry by extending bailouts, but he's also not even the one who proposed bailouts in the first place.

Credit Card Reform

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_Card_Accountability,_Responsibility,_and_Di sclosure_Act_of_2009

A massive amount of government regulation on credit card companies, including the requirement for every credit card company to have a public website, making it so you can't get a credit card unless you're 21 or older, requires credit card companies to have a non-profit number on statements for "non-profit credit counseling", etc. The amount of regulation is massive, which means the likelihood of a new credit card company being formed is negligible and the administration has officially stifled innovation.

There was opposition to the law, but it didn't have anything to do with the above, and the bill had bipartisan support in general.

Hate Crime Prevention


The bill basially adds gender and gender identity issues to the list of "hate crimes", which I agree with, though I disagree with the hate crime laws in general since they violate the 14th amendment's "equal under the law" clause. It also gives more authority to federal governments over local governments in "hate crime", which is a little iffy. Sure, it might combat corruption in some areas, but it also means that if the local authorities don't think a crime is motivated by race or gender identity or whatever the FBI can step in and be like "oh no we think so sorry".

Honestly the idea of a "hate crime" is stupid -- it's punishing someone for their intentions and beliefs rather than their actions. If you're a white supremacist that kills a black, you should be charged with murder, not a "hate crime". These bills also tend to overlook hate crimes by the minorities they're trying to protect -- if a white guy gets killed in an all-black neighborhood, it's murder instead of a hate crime -- wtf?

Affordable Care Act


Not even going to address this. Everyone should know the various issues with this bill (especially the individual mandate thing) by now.

Student Loan Reform

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Care_and_Education_Reconciliation_Act_of_20 10

Basically, student loans can be given out by the DoE instead of private banks, the pell grant is increased, and various things about loan repayment are made cheaper on the student. I have no problem with this act, I have a problem with federal loans/grants in general as they tend to inflate college costs; my dad paid his way through college because a week of his minimum wage job was able to cover the tuition of a quarter (half a semester) including books. In my own case the Pell Grant didn't pay for the entirety of the tuition and books were incredibly expensive. Without the Pell Grant, a minimum wage job would have taken one month to cover a "quarter" (two months to pay for a semester) and two weeks to pay for books, which really isn't practical. And forget housing without a loan.

Like the health care situation, prices have skyrocketed so high precisely because of government interference -- in this case said government interference is taking money from taxpayers in order to artificially inflate tuition costs. It's a really fucked system.

Wall Street Reform

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodd-Frank_Wall_Street_Reform_and_Consumer_Protection_A ct

I haven't really researched this (because the text is damned long), but like the Credit Card Reform bill above, it adds a shitload of government regulation on banks, which does of course have the effect of making current banks have a monopoly and new banks can't really form anymore.

Middle-class Tax Breaks

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Relief,_Unemployment_Insurance_Reauthorization ,_and_Job_Creation_Act_of_2010

Basically, the bill extends the Bush tax cuts, extends unemployment and promotes the ARRA/Stimulus thing from back in 2009. Unemployment, as you know, is apparently the new Welfare except that businesses pay unemployment tax rather than normal taxpayers paying for it. Thinking Obama invented Middle-class tax breaks is laughable since this Act basically extends the tax breaks under the guy who was in office before him. Furthermore, there were more democrats who opposed the bill than republicans.

Repeal of DADT


I have no problem with this and neither does Ron Paul (although the rest of the Republican candidates do). DADT itself was pretty damn unconstitutional.

Raising Fuel Efficiency Standards


Basically raises the requirement of fuel economy in cars and light trucks to an average of 54.5 mpg by 2025. More damn government regulation that makes it harder for a new car company to get on their feet. Of course Obama isn't doing any actual work on this one, the car companies that somehow have to double their mpg in 13 years are the ones sweating here.

Ending the war in Iraq

Hahahaahahahahahhahahahahaa not touching this one.

General criticism

* Everything but the "Saving the US Auto Industry", "Obamacare", "raising fuel efficiency standards", and "ending the war in iraq" were started or sponsored by people other than Obama. What Obama did with them was basically to sign them into law. Obamacare is also debatable since similar plans were laid out by Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton (who currently serves in obama's cabinet).

Apparently Change Is signing government regulation bills that other people have proposed into law.

04-16-2012, 12:07 AM
I think in order to qualify as change , any Dem must be significantly different , than , say , Woodrow Wilson...