View Full Version : Obama preventing Free Market while people suffer make this go viral

04-09-2012, 08:11 PM

This information is highly suppressed and ignored. Barack Obama is preventing a Free Market while Americans suffer. Every day people suffer and die because of lack of food or medicine and hemp is the superior food and medicine source safer than drinking water. It took 13 years to end alcohol prohibition help end cannabis prohibition and share the truth.

Cannabis (hemp) fuel is the most cost effective and environmentally friendly energy source. Hemp Fuel can make America, and the world Energy Independent this year in 2012. Hemp uses less water no herbicides or pesticides. The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It’s non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable resource, makes food, fuel, paper, rope, medicine, cosmetics, plastic, housing and much more.

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel’s death.

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp! Wake up people newt gingrich is selling repeal obamacare and his followers like it why not full repeal unconstitutional laws and end cannabis prohibition?

Energy Companies and Corporations have a monopoly because the superior resource is outlawed by corruption. If cannabis prohibition ended so many new businesses and jobs would be created instantly. Everything made from toxic oil today, can be made from non-toxic hemp. Any limits or restrictions on hemp are preventing a free market. Would you want a license to grow vegetables? The idea of having a license for cannabis sounds like the Slave Master telling the slaves how many plants they can grow. Nobody has any right to dictate!

Until the 1930s most paint and varnishes were made with non-toxic hemp oil. Hemp paint provides superior coating because hemp oil soaks into and preserves wood, due to its high resistance to water. Hemp oil is a good base for non-toxic printing inks. Soy is currently made into inks, but soy ink requires more processing and takes longer to dry than hemp oil based inks.

Biodegradable hemp plastics could reduce landfill waste and display unique strength characteristics. Oil based plastics produce biproducts of sulfur and carbon monoxide and do not biodegrade.

The seeds can be pressed and used for diesel. Leaves and stalks can be fermented and used for fuel grade alcohol. Hemp harvests the most ethanol per acre compared to the alternatives, up to 10 times more than corn ethanol. Low THC hemp plants produce less seed and ethanol per acre compared to other strains. Some varieties mature in 60-90 days.

In the 1930′s, hemp was stigmatized in a smear campaign by the petroleum, tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, paper industries to insure against the competition of hemp fuel and safe, non-addicting and biodegradable products. The blind prejudice remains. If we and the other animals on the planet are to survive, we must see through this ignorance and correct the problem. Hemp is practically the best source of creating oxygen and breathing in CO2 creating a sustainable environment.

USA consumes ~19,150,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/day)

1800 gallons of hemp oil per acre=42 barrels (42 gallons in a barrel)

half of the arable land in USA 235 million acres

235,000,000 x 42 = 9,870,000,000 barrels
USA consumes ~ 7,008,900,000 barrels every year

Anyone who does not think there is enough land to grow hemp for fuel and still grow food crops need to take a serious look at all the waste land that can be converted into arable land. 6 ways mushrooms can save the world. Hemp would also be a great resource to convert land into arable land good for growing food crops



