View Full Version : The Romney Reality

04-06-2012, 10:11 PM

ometimes a presidential candidate’s spokespersons can say a mouthful with a few words as New Hampshire State Sen. Gary Lambert did for Mitt Romney this week. Unfortunately for Romney, Lambert’s words told a very troubling story: do you ignore your personal values and vote for someone purely on the national media’s measure of electability? Is it more important to vote for someone because you think they have the best chance of beating Barack Obama regardless as to whether that candidate shares your views?

If you’re a Conservative your opposition to Barack Obama isn’t based on his electability but rather the gap between his policies, views and beliefs and your own. Mitt Romney’s surrogate said this week that it’s evident Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee and that “beliefs and principles” should not be the deciding factor for voters. Mr. Lambert’s statement is tantamount to saying, “Romney is no Conservative, but he can beat Obama.”
More at link

So does any of that sound familiar to anyone?

This article is from January 7th 2012.
So it's old but that's the point, the message being pushed, the narrative being woven is the same now as it was then "abandon your principles, vote Romney now"
It's worth remembering how long the same chant has been going on always claiming to be "realism", well propaganda only becomes realism if it's bought into and sometimes not even then.

"It's not about picking someone even with your own beliefs and principles." (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/07/romney-surrogate-electability-should-trump-beliefs-and-principles/)
You know what Gary? I have a a response for you
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/560654_396683097016573_328415557176661_1483523_154 1547466_n.jpg

I was saying it to you and those like you before Iowa, I was saying it after Iowa while you (falsely) proclaimed Mitt's win in Iowa meant the race was over. A win by the way and also turned out to be false. And I will keep saying it all the way through the convention in Tampa.
Voting is about picking Principles not ponies.

04-06-2012, 10:54 PM
abandon your principles, unite behind Romney ..and lets take our country into oblivion faster !!
ya, right !

04-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Participating in the political arena via a democratic process is depended upon an "informed" group of people. Who is informed and the informant are both subjective and controlled thus the illusion of choice is possible. Libertarians fail at the extend that we cater to this process and still inept in term of taking over a foundation of causes. i.e military industrial complex, religion of the right and the do-gooders of the left.

04-06-2012, 11:08 PM
No One But... oh just fuck off Romney!

Constitutional Paulicy
04-06-2012, 11:10 PM
I was thinking about an animated gif that has a coin spinning on an axis. As it flips from side to side, you see Obamas head on one side and Romneys head on the other. As it transitions from one side of the coin to the other it reads.........

(Romney's head)..... "Heads we win"...... (Obama's Head)...... "Tails you lose".......(Romney's head)......"Heads we win"..... (Obama's head)....etc. etc.

Looking something like this...........


Spinning in this manner.........


04-07-2012, 12:13 AM
I was thinking about an animated gif that has a coin spinning on an axis. As it flips from side to side, you see Obamas head on one side and Romneys head on the other. As it transitions from one side of the coin to the other it reads.........

(Romney's head)..... "Heads we win"...... (Obama's Head)...... "Tails you lose".......(Romney's head)......"Heads we win"..... (Obama's head)....etc. etc.

Looking something like this...........


Spinning in this manner.........


I think that's a great idea, just simple ways to emphasize how alike Romney and Obama are is really important. Maybe reverse the order tho, to also emphasize how unelectable Romney truly is against Obama.
(Obama's Head)...... "Heads we win"...... (Romney's head)..... "Tails you lose".......

That way you have the primary meaning, and then if anyone misreads the "we" and "you" as party references it reminds them of Willards Weakness.

+rep for the idea :)


Constitutional Paulicy
04-07-2012, 04:56 AM
I think that's a great idea, just simple ways to emphasize how alike Romney and Obama are is really important. Maybe reverse the order tho, to also emphasize how unelectable Romney truly is against Obama.
(Obama's Head)...... "Heads we win"...... (Romney's head)..... "Tails you lose".......

That way you have the primary meaning, and then if anyone misreads the "we" and "you" as party references it reminds them of Willards Weakness.

+rep for the idea :)


Thanks. I got the idea from the term I've heard floating around that........

"Obama and Romney/Democratic Party and Republican Party are merely two sides of the same coin".

04-07-2012, 03:20 PM
look how similar sports teams are... yet people still rally behind their team.

04-07-2012, 03:35 PM
look how similar sports teams are... yet people still rally behind their team.
That's actually why I've been boiling down my explanations regarding the state of the race to "we're just past halftime, who quits before the 4th quarters over?"

Also for you cat, or freedom lovers out there :)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/536755_10150657713181275_578596274_9724837_7290837 64_n.jpg

Anti Federalist
04-07-2012, 03:38 PM
No One But Paul.


04-07-2012, 11:08 PM
This really made me laugh

I'll be voting for Johnson if Ron doesn-



04-10-2012, 02:16 PM
Now more than ever it's important to keep the Romney reality in mind.

04-10-2012, 02:23 PM
That's actually why I've been boiling down my explanations regarding the state of the race to "we're just past halftime, who quits before the 4th quarters over?"

Also for you cat, or freedom lovers out there :)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/536755_10150657713181275_578596274_9724837_7290837 64_n.jpgwe have to keep that image handy....

04-10-2012, 02:27 PM
I'd forgotten the cat, good reminder! Great time to share this again :)