View Full Version : Where is bleeding heart Hollywood?

04-05-2012, 08:10 PM
It seems every election, a bunch of annoying celebs start talking about the issues in politics to hoards of people who then start repeating the quotes to everybody as though it were gospel. Normally I find this really annoying, but for whatever the reason in this crazy country, it seems to work. Now I know that when they do speak up, it is almost universally liberal....however...Ron Paul sounds very much like the perfect liberal (I think) when he talks about bringing our troops home. Now. Period. End of discussion. Hollywood usually sounds like a massive one-issue voter when you get them going about war. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I've been quietly waiting and hoping for a couple of endorsements out of Hollywood this time around. Even THEY must realize that Obama cannot keep a promise and Dr. Paul cannot tell a lie. Where are the celebs when you actually need them? :toady:

04-05-2012, 08:50 PM
Kony 2012.