View Full Version : Ironic attack video on Ron Paul, summarized

11-14-2007, 06:00 PM
I'm not certain if this should stay here or go into Bad Media Reporting, but I think that this is probably the right spot. Don't visit this link until you've read the rest of this post. This is a youtube vid attacking Ron Paul, so we might not want to inflate the number of views it gets: h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM7fFa5ozfE

I found this at a certain other candidate's forum, and couldn't help but watch it. I decided to summarize it for everyone else so that your curiosity can be satisfied without helping along the propaganda.

However, after watching it, I have to say that I think it's great that this is the best smear that the neocon opposition can come up with for us. I actually think that this might be a great recruitment vid to send to your Democrat friends! The fact that it was created by the neocon opposition lends it a lot of credibility, IMHO.

----------- VIDEO -----------

The video title is, "Ron Paul's true moral and social stances."

The music background is a remix of the Star Wars Imperial Death March (Darth Vader theme). Personally, I think that this is a strange music theme for an anti-war candidate, but hey, it's propaganda, right? It actually sounds kind of cool.

Text-over (in bold):

Ron Paul. A social and moral conservative? Does he belong in the Republican party? Let's find out.

Ron Paul on Gay Marriage.

...from Fox debate: Congressman Paul, do you, on the subject of social issues, gay marriage, you've been quoted as saying, "Any association that's voluntary should be permissible in a free society," and you've expressed your opposition to a Constitutional ban on gay marriage.

RP: All voluntary associations, whether they're economic or social, should be protected by the law. But to amend the Constitution is totally unnecessary, to define something that is already in the dictionary.

Ron Paul on the Federal Death Penalty

RP (at PBS debate): I've changed my opinion about the death penalty. For federal purposes, I no longer believe in the death penalty.

Ron Paul on the War on Drugs

RP (at PBS debate): We don't have to have more courts and more prisons. We need to repeal the whole war on drugs. It isn't working!

Because a crime still exists, we should quit fighting it? Sounds a lot like his position on Iraq. . .

Ron Paul on Abortion

RP (at Nat'l Right to Life Conv.): If the issue of life is not resolved, liberty doesn't mean a whole lot.

That's the only Socially Conservative thing he's said yet. Too bad he doesn't stand by it. Ron Paul as President would not "resolve" the issue of life. In his own words on January 31, 2006: "Abortion simply is not a Constitutional issue."

Cut to Hannity & Colmes after the Fox debate, with Frank Luntz talking to his planted stooge.

Planted stooge: "The problem is that you have people who are pandering too much to the center, or you have people who are like Ron Paul, who are certifiably insane."

Ron Paul is no true conservative. Is he running for the wrong party? You decide.

----------- END VIDEO -----------

Is this really the best that they can do? What an awesome candidate we have! I can only imagine the sort of stuff we could create about any of the others, Republican or Democrat. Thankfully, they, with the help of the mainstream media, are slinging plenty of really nasty mud at each other, so we don't really have to do anything. :)

11-14-2007, 06:17 PM
This video mght actually be good for liberals lol

Lord Xar
11-14-2007, 06:29 PM
this is FINE for AFTER the primaries.. but WHY promote it now when we need all the republicans we can get. We need more time to wade thru thse smears..

If you give them publicity, the ones likely to vote for Ron Paul IN the primary will be turned off... so, you don't push this now.. but after the primaries.

11-14-2007, 06:57 PM
this is FINE for AFTER the primaries.. but WHY promote it now when we need all the republicans we can get. We need more time to wade thru thse smears..

If you give them publicity, the ones likely to vote for Ron Paul IN the primary will be turned off... so, you don't push this now.. but after the primaries.

You have a point. I was not advocating promoting this video. Its intent was clearly negative, and it has the Luntz plant in it. That's why I broke the link and wrote a summary, to discourage people from visiting it.

In the same vein, however, I don't think that it's inappropriate to post the video here, i n these forums. The video represents Paul's positions reasonably fairly. I don't think that we should ever worry about people finding out what Ron's positions are on any given issue. Let the other campaigns work on trying to fool everyone at once. :)

11-14-2007, 07:03 PM
Thank you for summarizing it - not viewing the video myself.