View Full Version : A PLEA to Dr. Paul regarding this California Trip

04-03-2012, 04:58 PM
I know Dr. Paul sometimes reads this forms and his staffers so this is a plea to him while he is here. During your speech will you PLEASE ask people to register as a Republican. I know the LA group will have forms to register at the event and I'm planning to print a lot out to bring to the Berkley event but it would HELP us volunteers out tremendously if you just ask the folks there to register right there on the spot. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! It would help us out a lot! THANKS!

04-03-2012, 04:59 PM
Agree 100%

We can pick up delegates in CA easily

04-03-2012, 05:00 PM
Sounds like a no-brainer to me... :D

04-03-2012, 05:04 PM
Also EVERYTIME you say 'cut a trillion dollars' please say 'without cutting social security' because liberal media is going to make that sound like a death sentence otherwise.

04-03-2012, 05:31 PM
And....We ♥ you, Ron!

04-03-2012, 05:40 PM
Yes to the contents of this thread :)

04-03-2012, 06:07 PM
Also EVERYTIME you say 'cut a trillion dollars' please say 'without cutting social security' because liberal media is going to make that sound like a death sentence otherwise.

or "...to save social security"

04-03-2012, 06:17 PM
Theres no way Ron Paul reads these forums.

kill the banks
04-03-2012, 06:25 PM
have iPad will travel

04-03-2012, 07:01 PM
Theres no way Ron Paul reads these forums.HOGWASH. :D

04-03-2012, 07:04 PM
I know Dr. Paul sometimes reads this forms and his staffers so this is a [suggestion] to him while he is here . . . [It] would help HIM out a lot!

C'mon CALIFORNIA, you are actually big enough and wealthy enough to STAND UP TO THE BROKEN SYSTEM.

How can it BE that Talking Heads stir sentiment for me to DROP OUT, before CALIFORNIA has even VOTED? How can the entire country not be waiting with baited breath to see what the third largest American state, WITH THE LARGEST POPULATION AND THE LARGEST GDP, thinks about who should next be President of this country? Like you don't even COUNT? Does Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina speak also for YOU, that "professionals" can start CALLING THE RACE after three small states vote?

It's wrong on so many levels, and you know it.

YOU can do something about it. YOU have the numbers. That's what everyone cares about MOST, right? What ELSE am I to think, when impassioned partisans BOO the Golden Rule?

YOU. HAVE. THE. NUMBERS. Literally, "like none other".

I know people have have HEARD & HEARD & HEARD the people with the microphones dismiss me as kooky or fringe or extreme or unelectable, even frightening. SCARY? ME? Really? After all these years, I'm suddenly SCARY? C'mon.

OR MORE LOGICALLY...all of you are smart...more logically, the many years that I have been OUT OF STEP with Congressional voting...which is the voting that shepherded us INTO this mess...I am Dr. NO, remember?...they were wrong and I was right. RIGHT? Isn't that what makes INTUITIVE SENSE? Maybe what is SCARY is that my smaller, simpler, cheaper ideas...follow the Constitution, live within our means, honest money and finance, don't do unto others as you'd not want them doing BACK to you...would STOP FREE-FLOWING OF THE SPIGOT ON THE PUBLIC TROUGH.

I certainly am not the Bogeyman who is prepared to step over corpses on the sidewalks. Social Security is NOT on the chopping block, except as SILLY EXPENDITURES must be stricken from ALL government programs. ALL of them are riddled with institutionalized inefficiencies and oddities that MUST GO. Who cannot name, right off the top of their head, a government expenditure that caused them to say WITH CONTEMPT AND RESENTMENT: 'Your tax dollars hard at work." [Cite doozie.]

We are figuratively AND LITERALLY bleeding cash in Afghanistan...LOOK at all the money flying around, look at SOLYNDRA...but "Police, Firefighters & Teachers" are the SCARY spending cuts they trot out . . . precisely TO scare you. Scare Tactics are as old as Divide & Conquer. If YOU were charged with cutting the budget, would YOU begin with Social Security, Police, Firefighters and Teachers? You WOULDN'T. You wouldn't HAVE to. And neither would I.

I realize that I am also a "longtime politician" . . . now, THAT could be construed has SCARY. Heh heh. How has INEXPERIENCE in the White House been workin' out for you? I am NOT like any the others, 'R' OR 'D'. I'm not. I am DIFFERENT . . . that is the WHY and HOW of getting slapped with all those labels.

THINK DIFFERENT, riiiiight? Lo and behold, #Apple has more cash than the UNITED STATES TREASURY.

Los Angeles. Where better to insert a film quote?

Michael Douglas as President Andrew Shepherd in AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT: We have serious problems, and we need serious people to solve them.

Broke as we are, hard as these times are, LOOK AT US throwing money at a Broken System that would CALL the most important election in the land before CALIFORNIA votes?

I cannot compete with Mitt Romney's and Barack Obama's fundraising OR, I very much regret, with their public speaking abilities. But I can compete with their RECORDS.

Even if I "can't win", as you have been assured by #MainstreamMedia SO many times, obviously it would be a tremendous win for ME but I believe it would ALSO be a big win for California and a big win for Liberty if you just . . . well, vote for ME. It will hold EVERYONE'S feet to the fire, and remind everyone that CALIFORNIA COUNTS. California counts a LOT.

Cuba Gooding, right? Jerry McGuire. Show me the votes!

I could use a little cash myself, I hate to ask. IF you can spare it, anything helps. You can donate AND READ at [......] Just what you need, more reading. Heh heh.

It's really quite incredible, when you think about it deeply. In the final act of my long political career, I am very much in an UNDERDOG situation, even to keep the MESSAGE OF LIBERTY on the debate stage . . . and California could make ALL the difference.

[Does he have one of those donate-$10-by-phone-quick dealios that creep ME out, but whatever?]

04-03-2012, 07:12 PM
100% yes to this thread !!!

04-03-2012, 07:18 PM
Also, besides registering the people that attend the rallies in CA to vote in the Closed Republican Primary, please please ask them to make a $10 donation to the Campaign on the Official Website.

We need new Donors and new Dollars!!!!

04-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Theres no way Ron Paul reads these forums.

I'll bet if there was a spudea forums all about you, you'd read it :D

04-05-2012, 02:52 PM
C'mon CALIFORNIA, you are actually big enough and wealthy enough to STAND UP TO THE BROKEN SYSTEM.

How can it BE that Talking Heads stir sentiment for me to DROP OUT, before CALIFORNIA has even VOTED? How can the entire country not be waiting with baited breath to see what the third largest American state, WITH THE LARGEST POPULATION AND THE LARGEST GDP, thinks about who should next be President of this country? Like you don't even COUNT? Does Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina speak also for YOU, that "professionals" can start CALLING THE RACE after three small states vote?

It's wrong on so many levels, and you know it.

YOU can do something about it. YOU have the numbers. That's what everyone cares about MOST, right? What ELSE am I to think, when impassioned partisans BOO the Golden Rule?

YOU. HAVE. THE. NUMBERS. Literally, "like none other".

I know people have have HEARD & HEARD & HEARD the people with the microphones dismiss me as kooky or fringe or extreme or unelectable, even frightening. SCARY? ME? Really? After all these years, I'm suddenly SCARY? C'mon.

OR MORE LOGICALLY...all of you are smart...more logically, the many years that I have been OUT OF STEP with Congressional voting...which is the voting that shepherded us INTO this mess...I am Dr. NO, remember?...they were wrong and I was right. RIGHT? Isn't that what makes INTUITIVE SENSE? Maybe what is SCARY is that my smaller, simpler, cheaper ideas...follow the Constitution, live within our means, honest money and finance, don't do unto others as you'd not want them doing BACK to you...would STOP FREE-FLOWING OF THE SPIGOT ON THE PUBLIC TROUGH.

I certainly am not the Bogeyman who is prepared to step over corpses on the sidewalks. Social Security is NOT on the chopping block, except as SILLY EXPENDITURES must be stricken from ALL government programs. ALL of them are riddled with institutionalized inefficiencies and oddities that MUST GO. Who cannot name, right off the top of their head, a government expenditure that caused them to say WITH CONTEMPT AND RESENTMENT: 'Your tax dollars hard at work." [Cite doozie.]

We are figuratively AND LITERALLY bleeding cash in Afghanistan...LOOK at all the money flying around, look at SOLYNDRA...but "Police, Firefighters & Teachers" are the SCARY spending cuts they trot out . . . precisely TO scare you. Scare Tactics are as old as Divide & Conquer. If YOU were charged with cutting the budget, would YOU begin with Social Security, Police, Firefighters and Teachers? You WOULDN'T. You wouldn't HAVE to. And neither would I.

I realize that I am also a "longtime politician" . . . now, THAT could be construed has SCARY. Heh heh. How has INEXPERIENCE in the White House been workin' out for you? I am NOT like any the others, 'R' OR 'D'. I'm not. I am DIFFERENT . . . that is the WHY and HOW of getting slapped with all those labels.

THINK DIFFERENT, riiiiight? Lo and behold, #Apple has more cash than the UNITED STATES TREASURY.

Los Angeles. Where better to insert a film quote?

Michael Douglas as President Andrew Shepherd in AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT: We have serious problems, and we need serious people to solve them.

Broke as we are, hard as these times are, LOOK AT US throwing money at a Broken System that would CALL the most important election in the land before CALIFORNIA votes?

I cannot compete with Mitt Romney's and Barack Obama's fundraising OR, I very much regret, with their public speaking abilities. But I can compete with their RECORDS.

Even if I "can't win", as you have been assured by #MainstreamMedia SO many times, obviously it would be a tremendous win for ME but I believe it would ALSO be a big win for California and a big win for Liberty if you just . . . well, vote for ME. It will hold EVERYONE'S feet to the fire, and remind everyone that CALIFORNIA COUNTS. California counts a LOT.

Cuba Gooding, right? Jerry McGuire. Show me the votes!

I could use a little cash myself, I hate to ask. IF you can spare it, anything helps. You can donate AND READ at [......] Just what you need, more reading. Heh heh.

It's really quite incredible, when you think about it deeply. In the final act of my long political career, I am very much in an UNDERDOG situation, even to keep the MESSAGE OF LIBERTY on the debate stage . . . and California could make ALL the difference.

[Does he have one of those donate-$10-by-phone-quick dealios that creep ME out, but whatever?]

G-Wohl is "CONVINCED" not only that I don't know what I'm talking about, but also that I use mindfuck methodology.

speciallyblend sez I have "no clue".

tbone717 sez I don't understand HOW IT WORKS. lol

04-05-2012, 03:15 PM
I know Dr. Paul sometimes reads this forms and his staffers so this is a plea to him while he is here. During your speech will you PLEASE ask people to register as a Republican. I know the LA group will have forms to register at the event and I'm planning to print a lot out to bring to the Berkley event but it would HELP us volunteers out tremendously if you just ask the folks there to register right there on the spot. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! It would help us out a lot! THANKS!

Isn't Matt Collins active here? Couldn't he let Paul know?

04-05-2012, 04:15 PM
Also EVERYTIME you say 'cut a trillion dollars' please say 'without cutting social security' because liberal media is going to make that sound like a death sentence otherwise.

I'll one up you on this one and say Cut a Trillion dollars while RESTORING social security for many generations to come.

04-05-2012, 04:32 PM
I think it would help a lot to remind the crowd to register as republican. I think a lot of the crowds in california are also going to be democrats, independents, or completely unregistered voters who see this man and think "oh I would vote for him in the general election!" without realizing all the hurdles he has to get through first within his own party. I admit that I didn't even know the processes within a party until recently, and would always wait until the television told me what candidates were running in the general election after they had already been selected by the parties.

04-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Theres no way Ron Paul reads these forums.

I'm actually Ron Paul, I setup this fake account to troll you guys! :D

04-05-2012, 09:33 PM
I don't know if someone in the campaign read this thread but he asked us to register and i couldn't be happier! Thanks!!!!

04-05-2012, 09:44 PM
I'm actually Ron Paul, I setup this fake account to troll you guys! :D

"I am Ron Paul." ;)

I better copy-write that.

04-05-2012, 09:46 PM
I know Dr. Paul sometimes reads this forms and his staffers so this is a plea to him while he is here. During your speech will you PLEASE ask people to register as a Republican.

IMHO, it would be better if a local person made that announcement before and after Ron speaks.