View Full Version : Join the Property Tax Revolution

Prairie Chuck
03-27-2012, 07:11 PM
If you haven't heard, we have put a measure on the June ballot to eliminate property tax in ND. We have recently produced a video that introduces/explains the measure and I think you'll love listening to our Special Guest Star:

Go to our website and see our other videos and podcasts: www.YesM2.com There you can also get our book (free ebook.) Guess who wrote the forward to our book?

We consider ND the Lexington and Concord of the Property Tax Revolution. If the revolution is to spread to other states, we MUST win in ND. Help us win by telling others about our fight--pass this along to everyone you know. And please, PLEASE donate, even if it's just $5. The NEA (Nat'l teacher's union) has pledged $4-5 Million (yes! Million.) to defeat this. Local governments are using taxpayers money to fight this (yes, they're breaking the law.) This is not just a David and Goliath fight, it is David against 50 Goliaths. So please help us in any way you can.