View Full Version : Abortion Does Not Make Women Free

Working Poor
03-10-2012, 04:25 AM
What makes women free is being able to know their bodies. Women have stopped knowing things about their bodies because they have handed control of their bodies over to the medical industrial complex.

Women believe they cannot determine when they ovulate. This is such a lie. Women think using hormone based birth control makes them stop having bad periods or control acne and keeps them from getting pregnant. Well it does prevent pregnancy but what do they give up?

They giving up being more in touch with their bodies and they give up making their bodies well if they use birth control to control bad periods. They give up control. They stop investigating what might be the cause of their bad periods. They keep consuming things that hurt their bodies and they learn that they cannot trust their body. They over look their spirit and loose their power and connection to their real intent.

I found this very interesting video on the intent of the parents and birth control.


03-10-2012, 01:43 PM
Interesting, but he sounds a bit crazy when he's talking about the child's soul lingering around the parents-to-be, and choosing them to be their parents.

Working Poor
03-10-2012, 03:00 PM
Interesting, but he sounds a bit crazy when he's talking about the child's soul lingering around the parents-to-be, and choosing them to be their parents.

I believe the baby chooses their parents and that the spirit is alive and can choose.