View Full Version : Please call congress at tell them NO to DHS Cyber Security Bill

03-08-2012, 02:25 AM
Please call Congress at 202224321 and tel them NO to Lieberman-Collins DHS Cyber Security bill. Not only will the Collins-Lieberman DHS Cyber Security bill lead to unauthorize wiretapping and curtail civil liberties as this CNET.COM article says if you click on the link below:


It will raise the prices on your internet service and could lead to other uncalled for investigations into your internet activities:


Although I am not happy with John McCain's Cyber Security bill that was introduced to counter the DHS Lieberman-Collins Cyber Security Bill, McCain's bill more protect privacy on the internet and basically leaves the internet the way it was then this new and bad DHS Lieberman-Collins Cyber Security Bill.

Also e-mail Congress at


Tell your Reps and Senators to reject DHS Cyber Security Bill.


Indy Vidual
03-08-2012, 02:29 AM
Can this one be stopped too?