View Full Version : much of this is way distasteful

Mr. Perfidy
03-07-2012, 12:47 PM
There are so many conversations going on about how to go stack this poll with support, where Ron will stand at the Convention, who is going to get what pressure to endorse what policies now, etc. All of it seems like regular american bullshit politicking to me. It raises an instinctively nauseous reaction in me to hear "revolutionaries" talking about these kinds of compromises and apologies and accommodations. It sounds like anti-Clinton people in the 90s, murmuring about how to best get a cheap shot to temporarily affect some news cycle.

On the bright side though...

no Santorum or Gingrich or Romney people are any more prepared than 5 or 10 years ago to affect any kind of political chance anywhere. They just adapted to more loyally absorb obviously tyrannical and more offensive ruling class positions, and can now even more readily surrender their own interests to those of the corporate/regulatory mechanism. They think more than ever probably that what is good for Dick Cheney is good for them.

Ron Paul people, however, have spent many years now familiarizing themselves with their local electoral processes and guidelines, have extended their support networks into different classes and interest groups, and have learned to tap regular sources of funding. They have harnessed volunteer skills to learn that it does not take madison avenue firms to churn out high-quality information releases.

barring a nationally coordinated Draft and new war effort, the american political landscape is ripe for r3volutionary harvests. In the summer when Occupy kids are being penned into improvised detention centers, who but the Paul movement will have any effective understanding of this to present to the disaffected legions? Because the offices of men like Santorum will assuredly be smashed and vandalized.

03-07-2012, 12:59 PM
What exactly is your point?

Because you first denounce the politicking, then you go on to say this is a great time to politick.

I would agree with the latter point, but not the former. As much as many of our supporters dislike "the system," we can work within it to achieve things and get a lot done for liberty. If we are to succeed, we must at least try. And we're doing extremely well.

Mr. Perfidy
03-07-2012, 01:05 PM
no that is what I am saying- our victory can only be the result of creating alternative systems. Then a great bulk of politically educated people whose social and emotional instincts have been developed totally beyond the influence of the mainstream can organize to overtake existing systems of control and dismantle them. Otherwise, it will just be little splinter groups achieving this or that little victory in this or that election, and then being absorbed into the culture of corruption until nothing remains except some loyalist soundbytes.

I am saying I guess, that by insisting on the legitimacy of things like the GOP, that we are implicitly sanctioning State violence, and thus attracting NOT any real r3volutionary sentiment, but rather, opportunist little hater conservatives who hear in this rhetoric an invitation to take the stage with their own special kind of neuroses. More division, more exclusion, more despair. and no constitution.