View Full Version : Establishment game rigged in favor of Mick Santoromney

03-06-2012, 09:20 PM
The game is rigged in favor of two candidates. Santorum and Romney are NOT against each other. They are WITH each other.

Santorum entered the race with the sole purpose of quitting after SC and handing Mitt Romney the victory with Romney taking him on as the running mate. However, with Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich in the race, things did not go as planned. So now they are orchestrating a situation in which Romney will be the candidate and Santorum will be the running mate. They will pretend that Santorum and Romney are reluctant partners following a brokered convention. Never mind that both are from the Karl Rove gang. The so-called conservatives will feel satisfied and vote for them.

For those who want to dismiss this as a crazy theory, just watch. If it happens as I predict, I am right. If not, I am wrong. No matter what, I think Ron Paul must run as a 3rd party candidate. I do not think it will hurt Rand Paul in future. In fact, it will help him because the establishment might fear that he too could run third party. If Ron Paul does not run third party, Rand Paul too will face the same treatment when it is his turn. Elections will be rigged and he will be treated as an unwelcome member of the party whose supporters are supposed to vote for the next big government guy.

I also have a question for those who have been made delegates. Do you have evidence that you are the delegate? What is your safeguard against you being kept out of the convention and someone else taking your place?

03-06-2012, 10:01 PM
I do not believe we should worry about Rand Paul's political future. I believe we should worry about the possibility, of what future.