View Full Version : Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran ( Ron Paul has always been right)

02-21-2012, 12:49 AM
A good read and likely NOT speculation

Make no mistake, the U.S. dollar is already on the verge of collapse, along with the U.S. economy. Bilateral trade agreements between BRIC and ASEAN nations are sprouting up everywhere the past couple months, and these agreements are specifically designed to end the dollar’s status as the world reserve currency. An invasion of Iran will only expedite this process. If global anger over the resulting chaos in oil prices doesn’t set off a dump of the dollar, the eventual debt obligation incurred through the overt costs of war will. Ron Paul has always been right; it doesn’t matter whether you think invasion is a good idea or not. We simply CANNOT afford it. America is bankrupt. Our only source of income is our ability to print money from thin air. Each dollar created to fund new wars brings our currency ever closer to its demise.


02-21-2012, 05:58 AM
I really wish Ron would say this during the debate. Especially the 'doesnt matter whether you think the invasion is a good idea or not.'

02-21-2012, 07:10 AM
I really wish Ron would say this during the debate. Especially the 'doesnt matter whether you think the invasion is a good idea or not.'


02-21-2012, 07:23 AM
Can they tell us before they invade so I can fill up my tank?

02-21-2012, 07:32 AM
I paid $3.99 per gal of gas this morning. It cost me $50 to fill up my car. If prices stay at this rate it'll cost me $200 per month just for gas. If gas goes up as expected who knows how much we'll end up paying. Ron really needs to address this at the next debate.

02-21-2012, 09:17 AM
I paid $3.99 per gal of gas this morning. It cost me $50 to fill up my car. If prices stay at this rate it'll cost me $200 per month just for gas. If gas goes up as expected who knows how much we'll end up paying. Ron really needs to address this at the next debate.

Gas is already $5.00 a gallon in some parts of California. It will not go down in the long run (neither will anything else) as long as we as a people continue to allow a debt based money system (FED/IRS) that will continue to rob us and future generations of their productive capital and give it to the banker elite. In the long term ALL debt based currencies self destruct stealing your wealth. That is by design. And what happens when we just let the government present us the solution? They allow the creation of another debt based system that will again do the same thing another century down the road. All while the banking cartels confiscate all the real wealth from the producers of the world. This is on purpose. Unless we go back to interest free money nothing will ever change.

Usury (interest) is the mother of all evils in this world. Ron Paul is the messenger. It is up to us to get off the couch and restore the republic.

It's all about who controls the quantity and issuance of money:


02-21-2012, 11:14 AM
I really wish Ron would say this during the debate. Especially the 'doesnt matter whether you think the invasion is a good idea or not.'

Amen on that!

02-21-2012, 11:24 AM
He should just say that military action against Iran = $5.00+ gas. I know he doesn't like to make absolute statements like that, but it's the truth.

02-21-2012, 11:26 AM
I paid $3.99 per gal of gas this morning. It cost me $50 to fill up my car. If prices stay at this rate it'll cost me $200 per month just for gas. If gas goes up as expected who knows how much we'll end up paying. Ron really needs to address this at the next debate.

i don't know why RP doesn't talk about this , there are things that can be done on the crude oil futures exchanges to get crude oil prices down to about $60/ba where they belong .

$5/gas doesn't hurt mit/newt/sandy , it is a killer for normal /avg people along with heating oil/diesel fuel , how would you like to be a independent trucker getting 6-7 mpg at $5/gal , cost you $90 to drive 100 miles.