View Full Version : Ron Paul Guaranteed speaking in Tampa? Yahoo implicitly attacks media bias.

02-20-2012, 10:43 PM
I'm really glad yahoo started to step out and start talking about Ron Paul favorably. This is one of the most pro Ron Paul pieces I have seen in awhile.

This covers Ron Paul's strategy, the fact the GOP might not be able to ignore him, possibly having to incorporate his policies into the platform, and the implicit media bias although it doesn't say those words. Awesome article. Yahoo finally gets it right.

This of course has to include the standard RP has no shot but its a step in the right direction.

h ttp://news.yahoo.com/paul-looks-delegates-respect-caucus-states-131438017.html

02-20-2012, 10:47 PM
yeah, cause it could be the acceptance speech for the nomination...

Paul Or Nothing II
02-20-2012, 10:59 PM
I'm really glad yahoo started to step out and start talking about Ron Paul favorably. This is one of the most pro Ron Paul pieces I have seen in awhile.

This covers Ron Paul's strategy, the fact the GOP might not be able to ignore him, possibly having to incorporate his policies into the platform, and the implicit media bias although it doesn't say those words. Awesome article. Yahoo finally gets it right.

This of course has to include the standard RP has no shot but its a step in the right direction.


Yes, they KNOW that RP & his immovable base will be critical in the General Election, that's why these suckers are throwing CRUM at us, gtfo, we don't give a sh!t about "incorporating his policies into platform" :rolleyes: which will be forgotten after someone else gets into the WH, NO ONE BUT PAUL

I don't know why this is supposed to such a great news, they still don't realize that it's Paul or nothing, damn it! :mad:

yeah, cause it could be the acceptance speech for the nomination...

Yes, give him the nomination or gtfo (have another 4 years of Obama), that message needs to get out there more amongst the GOP voters! :mad:

02-20-2012, 11:16 PM
Look the media is not going to join us overnight. It is Paul or no one for the nomination but we should celebrate little steps in the war.