View Full Version : "The young bastards have let us down again"? No, the old bastards, this time

11-13-2007, 12:40 AM
I was expecting Peter Schiff's and that other's guy e-mail to bump the donations to $100+K, if not more, daily. We have been through debate and debate, and each time the donations only got a $10K bump. I keep hoping that the mainstream will finally wake up, but no: the only thing that makes impacts is grassroots events like November 5th.

Unfortunately, guys, we can't count on any miracles. We're going to have to do this. Ron Paul is going to raise a million or three in offline donations, but we the people--not we the rich people, but we the average people--are going to have to step up and do this.

Oh, well. I was hoping for more, but I guess it's up to us. The media won't bring in more money for Ron Paul, and it won't bring in more votes. It's up to us. We'll show them Giuliani and Clinton, anyways. :)

11-13-2007, 12:54 AM
Some/most of them could be waiting for the 16th.

11-13-2007, 01:29 AM
What motivates rich people is not a piece in a newsletter, but a personal phone call. I'll bet you that relatively few people continued to read that letter from Peter Schiff the moment they realized it was not about their investing.

There's a reason why Romney sat all his rich friends down with a phone and made them place phone calls all day. This is how those people connect-- if it's not important enough for someone in their income bracket to spend time talking about on the phone, it's not important enough for them to listen.

So I hope Schiff and Russell and Hommel and Rogers sit down with the phone and start going through their address books, in addition to their valiant efforts dedicating valuable newsletter space to soliciting RP contributions.

11-13-2007, 01:42 AM
All I have to say about Peter Schiff and his letters to his clients is, from what I know on the inside...

Wait until the 16th. :-)

11-13-2007, 06:47 AM
All I have to say about Peter Schiff and his letters to his clients is, from what I know on the inside...

Wait until the 16th. :-)

If we see him put a Tea Party graphic on his website, then something is definately "brewing". :D

11-13-2007, 07:14 AM
All I have to say about Peter Schiff and his letters to his clients is, from what I know on the inside...

Wait until the 16th. :-)

I dont know who you are.....but I sure am excited by your comment!!


Bobby Johnson
11-13-2007, 07:19 AM
I must confess that I have never heard of him so I had to do some quick research. According the link below, he has a weekly call in internet radio show. Maybe some of you who are familiar with him or comfortable calling radio shows could go on the air and tout December 16th?


11-13-2007, 07:37 AM
All I have to say about Peter Schiff and his letters to his clients is, from what I know on the inside...

Wait until the 16th. :-)

that'd be awesome!