View Full Version : Ron Paul Republicans Needed

J Free
11-12-2007, 11:37 PM
My site idea - GOPrising.com is now in full beta.

It has two parts - http://www.freeslacker.net/ft/campaigns/NewGOP/
is a visual social network. The first "campaign" here is a call to action to get your family/friends registered as Republican so they can vote in the primaries.

The other part - http://www.goprising.com/news/ - is the work area for now in building the site collaboratively. It will ultimately - like really soon if people help - have the resources/ideas that are:

needed to support this particular "campaign" as well as any future campaigns/calls to action (eg converting existing GOP to RP based on either issues or the simple visual "electability" of so many people converting to GOP in order to vote for Ron Paul).

needed to brainstorm/strategize the approaches to winning acceptance in the GOP (at least at the local level)

to cross-fertilize the existing meetups with people who may be new to meetups and to provide an alternative "thing-to-do" for those in meetups who are currently inactive for whatever reason (and for those in meetups who actually haven't yet talked to their own family/friends because they aren't local)

Again, this is still beta mode. The social/mapping software will be installed on goprising.com in the next day or so. But need people who have ideas, content skills, graphics, design, - and php/mySQL developers.

11-12-2007, 11:43 PM
What do you need specifically?

dont forget to add a banner for the tea party http://www.teaparty07.com/Banners.htm

J Free
11-12-2007, 11:54 PM
Genl design/layout (via a module that seems pretty easy to use - for someone who has a design/layout sense)

Longer-term Republicans who have ideas/information/resources needed to get new GOP effectively involved in local politics.

Graphics for home page - and the various logos, images, buttons that will be needed on both the social mapping software and the "news" content management system (Drupal). Really a whole look-and-feel

Those are the major ones