View Full Version : Viruses Tailored To Your Personal Cancer And Synthetic Biology As A Whole

02-10-2012, 11:43 AM
The video presenter seems to have a lot of interesting interview subjects


02-11-2012, 12:49 AM
I don't watch 1/2 hour youtube vids but there are a few personalized anti-cancer treatments in trials and for sale out there. There was recent news of 2 of 3 test patients being cured of cancer by using a modified HIV virus. One potential Ovarian treatment takes the bodies own cells, trains them to attack ovarian cancer, and puts them back into you. It's in trials in the US and Australia but is also being sold in Dubai.

I like that Dubai is going the free market way. On something so time sensitive as cancer, offering treatments that are only in small clinical trials is not only possibly life saving, it's also a great way for them to grow a health care market. The downside is no insurance will cover it so unless you have an extra 100K it's out of reach. But perhaps it can drive the price down for us normal folk to benefit from.