View Full Version : This is and probably will always be my favorite Ron Paul moment

02-09-2012, 12:34 AM

When he said he was married and had two kids and went it really moved me. I dont know what it was but it just moved me. To me it just showed how much things really mean to him. Hes not just a guy whose gonna spout shit that certain groups want to hear, hes going to say what he believes and thinks is truly going to make this country better. Sorry for such a random post, ive just been watching youtube videos at home for the last hour or so (no life i know) and just felt like posting. No matter what happens I will always appreciate this man and try to continue spreading his beautiful message.

02-09-2012, 12:36 AM
It was and will always be a POWERFUL message. It needs to be hammered home more often.

02-09-2012, 12:42 AM
I agree. Most of his comments are intended to teach so they are full of truth, but not exactly sound byte friendly. This one was the king of sound bytes. I loved it. Newt's silence only added to my enjoyment.

02-09-2012, 12:44 AM
Yes and yes. He won a lot of votes that night but more importantly brought home the point of service to your country when you were forced to do things you didn't necessarily agree with.

02-09-2012, 02:09 AM
it's a great moment. it's pretty funny how he says "these wars" though.

02-09-2012, 02:22 AM

When he said he was married and had two kids and went it really moved me. I dont know what it was but it just moved me. To me it just showed how much things really mean to him. Hes not just a guy whose gonna spout shit that certain groups want to hear, hes going to say what he believes and thinks is truly going to make this country better. Sorry for such a random post, ive just been watching youtube videos at home for the last hour or so (no life i know) and just felt like posting. No matter what happens I will always appreciate this man and try to continue spreading his beautiful message.

This was shown on the news in belgium. They cut off Ron his last point implying like he lost that discussion. Thatīs the media for you.

02-09-2012, 02:38 AM
I LOVED it, however I still got the feeling that Newt's reply of "Ron Paul has a history of making inaccurate statements..." or some such (which was completely false), sank into the back of the voter's minds. Non-Paul supporter or fence-sitter will believe Newt. Ron hits the people with FACTS on Newt's draft dodging, but he replies with a blatant lie before going into his rebuttal. This is how Gingrich amasses his support. He first attacks the messenger (never the message) to distract the audience, then follows up with an articulate delivery of pure and utter nonsense. But people aren't listening to his nonsense - because it's irrelevant at this point. They just awe at his masked intellect, while all they actually remember is what he said beforehand. He does it with the moderators most often, and uses key words, like calling them "liberal media." Using words such as "liberal, socialist, progressive, etc." strikes a cord with GOP voters. He dodges the facts like he dodged the draft in his replies, but all the audience remembers is how he attacked the messenger. Is that what makes a good debater?

02-09-2012, 02:39 AM
Yeah, that was a beautiful, beautiful moment of disarmament.

Newt went on a 33 second scathing tirade bleating that Ron was a liar, and trying to put shame on Ron for exposing Newt for what he was. Twisting it into something the crowd would empathize like snake, or worse a politician.

They don't call him Dr. No for nothing. In a surgical 5 seconds Ron struck with an efficiency so clean it took the audience a full 3 seconds to realize what happened.

Blinded by his ego and his righteous crusade for murder, Newt obliviously crossed the line. He'd passed the event horizon and for five seconds Ron had the mass of a black hole. But for the next 3 seconds, he was weightless.

02-09-2012, 02:40 AM
This was shown on the news in belgium. They cut off Ron his last point implying like he lost that discussion. Thatīs the media for you.

That sort of treatment is rather unusual from foreign news agencies...or so I am told.

02-09-2012, 02:54 AM
That sort of treatment is rather unusual from foreign news agencies...or so I am told.

Well, I always thought our media was decent compared to american media, but appearantly when push comes to shove...
Itīs hard to notice if there is never a man that speaks the thruth that the media blatantly needs to put down.

02-09-2012, 06:45 AM
I really liked that exchange.

Amazing how more powerfull the good Dr. is when he speaks slower & weighs his words a little.

02-09-2012, 06:53 AM
Best soundbyte of the night was either that, or, "when I see these young men coming back, my heart weeps for them." A lot of politicians try to distance themselves from expressing strong emotion out of fear that voters will perceive them as "weak", and when Ron said this, I think he really came across as a guy who didn't care about pleasing voter blocks, but just wanted to speak the truth and get something off his chest.

02-09-2012, 07:49 AM
Well, I always thought our media was decent compared to american media, but appearantly when push comes to shove...
Itīs hard to notice if there is never a man that speaks the thruth that the media blatantly needs to put down.
Local or national news will probably be covered more objectively. But these days, international news reports are more often than not sent out from big agencies (like AP). It gets translated in the receiving country and presto, another page filler. Garbage in, garbage out.