View Full Version : Using Facebook to find supporters (upcoming States do this !!!)- Strategy and GOTV

02-08-2012, 11:17 PM
There are some very easy ways to do this..

Post something on the wall like

"If you think Ron Paul should be President like this"

Anyone who responds you know what to do :)
Namely tell them which date they have to vote, tell them WHERE they have to vote, and when they have to be there. Make sure you have their information (phone) so you can contact them at any time. And when the time comes REMIND them. And I stress the word 'remind' because it means you already told them about the caucus location/time/date before. I think this is something we fell short on. We just call and say 'hey please vote' but many, especially young people, DON'T KNOW where to, when to, and how to. All they know is they have to vote but nothing else- which means they will probably not turn out because they don't even know when and where to do this. We already have had a few examples of people posting here with stories that their friends/gfs texting them ON THE DAY of the Caucus 'when is the caucus' !!!!

2. JOIN/LIKE all the Ron Paul pages. For example join the Ron Paul official facebook page, join any ron paul pages that deal with your State, county, city or whatever, just search them and see if there is a Ron Paul page related to your State.

The thing is when you visit these pages like for example the Ron Paul main facebook page, it will also show you any 'mutual friends'!!! That means you know someone who also likes Ron Paul.. There you go, you have more people you perhaps didn't know were Ron Paul supporters. And you can talk to them, make sure they have all the information to vote as I listed above just saying "I hope you vote" isn't enough. You need to give them all the voting information so they know exactly how to go about voting.

3. Ask your 'mutual friends' you discovered from number 2, to repeat these steps, so perhaps they could find some 'mutual friends' on these Ron Paul pages, and so on and so forth. This is how you use 'networking'....

4. Facebook gives you some free ads allowance. USE IT and make it tailor made with interesting ideas and points. I would highly encourage playing elect-ability related ads!!

And a Reminder:

Get out the vote (GOTV) does NOT mean- "Please vote for Ron Paul", it means you convey EVERY information THEY NEED to make that vote happen. If you convince them of voting because you said 'please vote'- thats great. But what if they don't know when to vote, where to vote, and how to vote? It means they could miss the date and NOT TURN OUT even if they wanted to vote.

So GOTV means you give them all the information they need to be able to vote. Caucus location, time, date etc. EVERYTHING. Then you REMIND them and keep in touch with them. And also try to get them to ask others to vote and TELL THEM AS WELL to get this INFORMATION (not just please vote) to those people or have them be linked to you so you can help them.

And if its a caucus: BECOME A DELEGATE if there are open slots and other RP supporters aren't running. EVEN IF YOU AREN'T serious about going as a delegate. We need to get those delegate AND alternate spots. Even if you don't go, it means that spot won't be taken by our opposition. Its better to WASTE the slot than to give it to Santorum or Romney, etc which is why it is IMPORTANT to fill ALL slots with Ron Paul delegates and Alternates. Remember there aren't enough people running for the delegate spot, and you nominate yourself but there are still opening, then NOMINATE SOMEONE you know is in your precinct EVEN IF THEY AREN'T THERE (yes you can do that!!!). The goal is to get the Ron Paul delegates who are willing to go, and any left over spots take them so they are wasted and not gone to our competition!!!!

5.. Contact your local Ron Paul campaign and see what you can do to help. Become a Precinct leader and help identify local voters and so forth. It is imperative...

6. DON'T act proud 'Oh we're gonna own the place'-- We lost Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado- we owned nothing. Always act like we're behind even if you think its going to turn out well. If its going to turn out well, you'll see it happen on election day. Until then WORK HARD!!!!

7. REMIND PEOPLE OF THE TIME of the voting, and TELL THEM VERBALLY that they don't plan on other things during that time. Sometimes they 'know' when the voting time and place is but they still schedule something else because its in the back of their mind (not serious voters).. We need these 'non-serious' voters!!! So you have to explicitly keep reminding them to not schedule anything during that time!!!

8. If you know they are lazy or wake up late. Make it YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. WE NEED TURN OUT.. otherwise don't come on this forum crying that we lost again.

When you are in caucus make sure to give a speech. PUSH Ron Paul, and also Push that Santorum/Gingrich are UNELECTABLE they aren't even on ballots!!. PUSH Paul's strength against Obama, Independent voters more than even Romney!! 40% of the electorate is now Independent so they need them to win and Ron does the best with them!! Remind them that the YOUTH vote is with Ron Paul, but if he isn't the nominee many youth might vote Obama like they did last time...Do a speech that makes Ron Paul look like the real electable candidate!! I think you get my point.

Good luck! But more important than luck is you WORK YOUR BUTT OFF!!!

02-08-2012, 11:50 PM