View Full Version : acaseforliberty.com - request for collaborators and ideas

02-02-2012, 12:46 AM
I foolishly got into some debate on The Huffington Post last night over Libertarian issues. Some people weren't worth talking to. Others actually were thoughtful and open to engaging in a thoughtful discussion. One gentleman in particular said he used to be a Libertarian, but "saw the light" - however his arguments against regulation were misguided and revealed a sad misunderstanding of some basic economic ideas.

So I realized. I am an economist and a journalist (I started and ran a newspaper): Why am I not writing a logical defense of Libertarian ideas? I started looking for sources and found that there was no single succinct source of Libertarian ideas that carefully handled each issue and explained it to people who were willing to be open minded and learn. Alas, there wasn't even a good single resource for me to bone up on my pro-Libertarian knowledge. Here is a brief defense of de-regulation (http://acaseforliberty.com/regulation.htm) I wrote in response to one Huffington Post comenter.

So, stealing a page from Lee Strobel's book (author of A Case for Christ), I decided to create a blog that topically discusses and dispels common myths about Libertarian ideals and shows how they can work in the "real world" and demonstrates case studies and actual evidence for how they often have worked in the real world.

I already have set up acaseforliberty.com (http://acaseforliberty.com) and all I need to do now is organize my thoughts, figure out what topics to write about - and what order to write them in, and try to keep the site as politically neutral as possible (at least initially) rather than being a "Rah! Rah! Ron Paul!" site. Not that I don't have many ideas for writing a defense of Ron Paul's elect-ability... or more importantly dispelling the myth of elect-ability altogether.

Is this an idea that interests you? Do you want to contribute your ideas to the site? Here's what I need:

Ideas for topics to be discussed.
Ideas for an order to release articles in.
Ideas for soliciting guest contributors (and contacts).
Reputable unbaised, confirmed sources of arguments and studies on Libertarian topics.
Volunteers to write about specific topics (economists & lawyers preferred - but if you're a good writer, that's all that counts!)

Any other thoughts or suggestions about what I can do with this site?