View Full Version : US Foreign Policy Timeline?

11-12-2007, 01:39 AM
Has anyone ever seen a US foreign policy timeline either on paper or on the internet. Example would be at the far left "1952 - CIA stages a coup to put the Shah in power in Iran". Far right would read "Nov 2007 - Pakistan backed President and Military leader mustache guy, declares martial law and suspends Pakistani Constitution to not be voted out of power."

Something like that. I would love to put one together so that Neocons/people who believe in the war on terror can see where Ron Paul is comming from. We instigated it all. By we I mean the elected bastards that have snowjobed the american people. It's like the US is the bully/gossip all rolled into one on the playground of the world. We push people around for what we want and form alliances with the snobs and then backstab them when it doesn't suit us anymore. We have become the hated little bitch in the courtyard that everyone wishes was dead and when they have a chance to take a clean shot at us they do.

A timeline should show how our bullying ways since the 50's and even earlier have caused this problem.

Anyone have a really good grasp of foreign policy history. Maybe we can all get our heads together and put this down. I'll put it together in a slick flash app for a webpage.