View Full Version : Studying Robert's Rules and wonder what to watch for at convention?

01-30-2012, 05:06 PM
I'm trying to become a delegate, studying Robert's Rules of Order and in the back of my mind was always the question:
"What are those sneaky, dirty tricks I need to watch out for?"

Found my answer here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DrSteveParent?feature=watch

I wish to heck the person had numbered the videos at the BEGINNING instead of the end, so one can easily click them in order just by looking at the titles.
I have to click four or five times to find the next video I need to watch, but this series is very helpful and worth the trouble. View them in order.

The sneaky, dishonest things to watch out for are discussed and you'll be prepared to combat them!

The very first thing I learned was very important!
He said get your county and state bylaws. If they allow proxy voting -- GET RID OF IT! Learn to amend the bylaws and have the new amendment pre-written.

01-30-2012, 05:06 PM
You should look out for Robert's Rules of Order: The New Revised-Last-Night GOP Insider's edition.

01-30-2012, 05:07 PM
bump for relevance.

01-30-2012, 05:07 PM
OP, since you watched it in order and are now familiar with it, it would help a lot of those researching the same topic if you posted the video series in the correct order.

01-30-2012, 05:36 PM
Please, please, please....talk to your local meetup groups to organize a delegate training day months in advance. Invite Campaign 4 Liberty too. This is the most important step. That, and bringing your friends to vote for you at the primary precinct convention. Best wishes.

01-30-2012, 05:38 PM
The youtube channel you linked to is run by a pathalogical liar who has been convicted of multiple felony fraud charges FYI.

As far as what to watch for... watch for right as you're about to win they turn the power off and tell everyone to go home.

01-30-2012, 06:04 PM
The youtube channel you linked to is run by a pathalogical liar who has been convicted of multiple felony fraud charges FYI.

As far as what to watch for... watch for right as you're about to win they turn the power off and tell everyone to go home.

^^^ This.

01-30-2012, 07:39 PM
The main parts of Robert's Rules to be familiar with are how nominations are taken, votes counted, and how to amend a motion. If you're a newbie at a convention, 80% of the rules are covering stuff that will be way beyond what you're likely to do, if you stand up and speak for a few minutes.

01-30-2012, 08:03 PM
I'm trying to become a delegate, studying Robert's Rules of Order and in the back of my mind was always the question:
"What are those sneaky, dirty tricks I need to watch out for?"

Also check the stickied delegates thread (or quick link in my sig) for YouTubes that showed what happened in 2008. Learn and be prepared. Success through numbers and stealth!

01-30-2012, 08:08 PM
After studying the 'Roberts Rules'...

Should we hire Professional Parliamentarians, use the diamond method, and steer these meetings towards Liberty, from Local, to County, to State, to National?

Interesting links below. Any thoughts?

How to become the Senate's referee. (http://www.slate.com/id/2248278/)

Parliamentarians keep order at meetings by applying Robert's Rules of Order. (http://www.ehow.com/list_6638726_parliamentarian-position-duties.html)

Taos board hires parliamentarian to assist with meetings. (http://www.taosnews.com/articles/2010/08/26/news/doc4c75e899a49ca699219403.txt)
(Tax Payer Funded!)

When and how to hire a Professional Parliamentarian. (http://nancysylvester.com/docs/Resources/articles/professional_parliamentarians.html)

National Association of Parliamentarians (http://parliamentarians.org/)

American Institute of Parliamentarians (http://www.aipparl.org/)

Chip-In? Rev-Pac? Anyone?

01-30-2012, 08:34 PM
As far as what to watch for... watch for right as you're about to win they turn the power off and tell everyone to go home.

This is referring to the Nevada state convention in 2008. I was there, with my name on the list of at-large delegates that should have gone to the national convention. And then they shut off the lights… literally. We tried to continue the meeting but we were a few votes short of quorum.

Soooo… The most important thing you can do is become a delegate and go as far as you can… at least try to make it to the state convention. It is good to know what the rules are but the only way to win “the game” is to have an overwhelming amount of RP delegates at the state convention. Enough delegates to have quorum and ensure the voting process for national delegates is fair and open. Then have a prepared list of RP delegates printed and passed out at the convention. Only vote for those on the list. This is the best way to send the maximum number of RP delegates to the national convention. If we have enough at the national convention, we can win a brokered convention.

01-31-2012, 05:46 AM
The youtube channel you linked to is run by a pathalogical liar who has been convicted of multiple felony fraud charges FYI.

As far as what to watch for... watch for right as you're about to win they turn the power off and tell everyone to go home.

Jeesh! Didn't know -- but as long as what he say is about Robert's Rules, it can easily be checked. He DOES GIVE GOOD TIPS.
I'll also keep what you say in mind.

01-31-2012, 05:49 AM
OP, since you watched it in order and are now familiar with it, it would help a lot of those researching the same topic if you posted the video series in the correct order.

There's no way for me to do that, else I'd be glad to help out.
The problem is that the title is too long to be viewed by LIST
(can't see the end of the title where the numbers are and all are titles have the same words at the beginning)
They all look alike.

One has to click the link to see the full title and the numerical order at the end.
Takes several clicks to find the right one.