View Full Version : Promoting the Tea Party:

11-11-2007, 09:59 PM
How about some handouts, promoting the Tea Party, to give out to those casually interested? Something like the business cards at www.ronpaulcards.com. These things will go like hotcakes around Thanksgiving and the entire holiday season in general. We could get ronpaulcards.com to mass produce something for us and V to put together an attractive card, front and back of course. People just eat these cards up, They love em. And they want 10 to give out to their friends. Or, maybe even something that can just be downloaded and printed out like at www.ronpaul2008.com/get-involved/downloads/.
I strongly believe in the business card. More efficient and appealing. I can see these things all over the place. Does anybody know ronparulcards.com or a similar company where these things can get done quickly? And, can V put together something in the card style? (front and back).

11-11-2007, 10:07 PM
I gave an idea a little further down to have a one-hour $1 million mini-bomb, using $25 increments, specifically for promoting December 16th. It would be like a dry-run for the Tea Party and would help test how strong the servers are since it would take a lot of people in one hour to get that much.

The media covers big dollar signs and $1 million in an hour would definitely get covered and it would simultaneously be promoting December 16th because it would just be a "dry-run". Then the other promotional events could draw in this heightened media attention like the Philly Rally did with CNN.

11-11-2007, 11:53 PM