View Full Version : Lookin' good in 2 new (post 11/5) polls in New Hampshire!

11-11-2007, 06:19 PM

here is a story from usaelections.com

Two state polls have come out today (Marist Poll, Boston Globe Poll) each predicting Ron Paul's support to be at 7%. These polls represent the first one's to gauge his support after running television and radio advertisements in the state. Seems like it might be working folks. His polling average is currently 2.2.% above last month's average.

And the amazing thing about this is that they each have middle dates on or before the November 5th money bomb -- a day that Ron Paul's supporters donated more than 4 million dollars to his campaign. The positive publicity that generated is sure to gain favor among voters and could provide Ron Paul's yet another boost.

The following is a table of Ron Paul's polling averages for each month in 2007. Ron Paul has been making steady gains in the state.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov
New Hampshire 1.0 1.3 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.3 3.0 3.7 4.8 7.0

Ron Paul polled at 18% among those Republicans making less than $50,000 versus just 4% to those making above $50,000. Sounds like Ron Paul's fiscal responsibility platform catches on among less affluent voters?

Unfortunately for Ron Paul, when voters are asked who they feel will be a strong leader or who has the best chance of beating the Democratic candidate or who would be the best at handling terrorism, Ron Paul is stuck at about 3%. And he is even worse (2%) when voters are asked who has the most experience.

60% of Republican voters say they are still deciding as to whom to vote for. Only 16% say they've made a firm decision.