View Full Version : Obama-related focus group results from Karl Rove

01-25-2012, 01:40 AM
Here's an interesting tidbit posted over at Bay Area Patriots:
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=au7f5vdab&v=001Akwh5HY8vpwEOKhE1NEQLWC9oPRZ5iBfKUwBItuDHNie4 0YbWaIkq427NtY5fL3IkLEaHLq9OmaXGx1J_scXlhEWUjZFw6r DmCxCFZgBqaRoyMfItkQUQvzEl5J5JhL3Bo-yCuq5P1EXnOuVpDEjQsDbtiSPFYSc

As you read this I want to share some information with you. I had the opportunity to meet with Karl Rove a few weeks ago. He has done extensive focus grouping over an extended period of time in key swing districts, in key swing states among the soft middle, which includes republicans, indies and blue doggish democrats. By and large, they are all disappointed w/ the Prez.

There were two consistent messages to come out of these groups: (1) Using O's words against him was highly effective and (2) anytime the President was characterized as a socialist, the groups consistently defended him!!!

These are crucial strategic pieces of information we need to lodge in our brains going forward. When the Prez talks about fairness tonight, ask your friends on the fence, what's fair about burdening the small business person and middle class family with increased taxes to pay for ... Solyndra? Don't try to explain to them about Alinsky and all that. Focus on O's record. That's how we'll win!

01-25-2012, 02:04 AM

Working Poor
01-25-2012, 03:07 AM
(2) anytime the President was characterized as a socialist, the groups consistently defended him!!!

Ron calls Obama a corporatist

01-25-2012, 04:43 AM
Ron calls Obama a corporatist

I like crony capitalist...has a good ring to it.

01-25-2012, 09:28 PM
I like crony capitalist...has a good ring to it.

Unfortunately, "crony capitalist" makes it sound like cronyism is an aspect of capitalism, which is not correct.

How about crony statism? Or crony fascism?

What else can we add to the list to support using Obama's own words and actions against him, besides Solyndra? Fast & Furious?

01-25-2012, 10:20 PM
Here's an interesting tidbit posted over at Bay Area Patriots:
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=au7f5vdab&v=001Akwh5HY8vpwEOKhE1NEQLWC9oPRZ5iBfKUwBItuDHNie4 0YbWaIkq427NtY5fL3IkLEaHLq9OmaXGx1J_scXlhEWUjZFw6r DmCxCFZgBqaRoyMfItkQUQvzEl5J5JhL3Bo-yCuq5P1EXnOuVpDEjQsDbtiSPFYSc

As you read this I want to share some information with you. I had the opportunity to meet with Karl Rove a few weeks ago. He has done extensive focus grouping over an extended period of time in key swing districts, in key swing states among the soft middle, which includes republicans, indies and blue doggish democrats. By and large, they are all disappointed w/ the Prez.

There were two consistent messages to come out of these groups: (1) Using O's words against him was highly effective and (2) anytime the President was characterized as a socialist, the groups consistently defended him!!!

These are crucial strategic pieces of information we need to lodge in our brains going forward. When the Prez talks about fairness tonight, ask your friends on the fence, what's fair about burdening the small business person and middle class family with increased taxes to pay for ... Solyndra? Don't try to explain to them about Alinsky and all that. Focus on O's record. That's how we'll win!

This is why I still think many Republicans would prefer to see a brokered convention and I sometimes wonder if Gingrich wasn't propped up in SC to pursue this agenda.