View Full Version : Unifying Message

01-24-2012, 08:50 PM
How do we break the typical Ron Paul 20% cap? We need a unifying message. The BigDog ad created a 9% boost in NH, but was limited to the under 30 age crowd. If we had found another ad that hit in the older base, Ron would have won NH. So, there must be multiple messages that end on a unifying solution.

As I view comments on various sites I see that republicans are fighting and in disagreement over our GOP candidates. Most people in the republican party will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is since they don't like Obama. That's fine but the real question is WHY do they not like Obama? Why do independents and democrats not like Obama? You see it's not Obama they do not like. It is big government that is not liked. It is different for each person on the exact reason. War, debt, liberty, drugs, corruption, fear, poverty, immigration, healthcare etc... So the people blame who ever is in power. The media then plays on that for ratings so we switch some politicians and hope something changes.

The root of this anger is what the government does. So, how can the government be forced to do less?

Less money.
For all things that people don't like that the federal government does, the simple solution is cutting the spending.
The message should ask what do you not like about the things government does? The solution to ALL these problems is to cut the spending / balance the budget. Less money per department equals less enforcement and less regulations.
If the new anti TSA money-bomb works, it proves my point. Drive it home with ads that reflect that.

01-24-2012, 09:31 PM