View Full Version : Some of my political poetry

11-11-2007, 01:38 PM
Greetings everyone:

I just wanted to post some of my political poetry. They are some of my rants on the current political environment, situations, and (of course) our new "King George".

Our Goliath, But Where Is David?

As I walk outside, I cry
My country tis of thee I pray
My eyes deceive me because
Life, liberty – pursuit of happiness
Are gone to zombie-glazed gazes
In the eyes of my fellow countrymen

The possessions I own – not mine
Forfeit to immanent domain
My voice censored – words blackened
Incarcerated by the digital Brother
Watched by machines from ellipses high
The highways in vacuum
So close to the Moon
Were we ever there?

Digital fingerprints under our skin
Reduce us to blips on GPS screens
From sea to shining sea
We can be followed, singled out

Forefathers who fought
For rights deemed unalienable
Would repeat that history
Against our Goliath risen
Elected by faithless sheep
Grazing on plentiful pharmaceuticals
And drinking from still, stagnant waters
Generously polluted and fatally toxic

Industry’s standards and banker’s rule
Dictate laws – persecute the impoverished majority
Issuing National ID Cards like Nazis
Building toward their New World Order
The One bloody World Nation

Inciting hatred and ‘righteous’ anger
With doctored winged videos
Lies, subterfuge, and slight of mind
To gain support for needless, pointless wars

Where is our David to slay
This Goliath risen up in our land?
O’ Divine send us truth
Like the effigy of the burning bush of old
Give to us our David
Like Arthur with his righteous sword
Send to us a mighty hero
So America may once again
Be the Land of the Free
Not the home of the depraved

The American Tyrant

Democracy is inevitable or so they say.
Tell that to China. Tell that to North Korea.
A government for and by the people is good
A bold and justifiable form of a governing idea

The second President Bush of the American citizenry
Would say that democracy should be
In every country in the entire world
To end his ‘Axis of Evil’, to shroud the world in safety

Terrorists bring down our landmark Twin Towers
So Bush declares war on a nationless enemy
Ideologically impossible to ever hope to win
He leaves nation after nation broken and bloody

He toppled the Taliban government in Afghanistan
And put into place a parliamentary democracy
He said he only cared about its citizens
Who would now be democratically free

Next he turned to Hussein in hated Iraq
He had tried to kill Bush’s father
In a failed assassination attempt years ago
After the first President Bush’s Gulf War was over

Now several years later with the Iraqi War winding down
Its new democratic government in place
With more hostilities created than healed
It is now a new nuclear race

North Korea and Iran test weapons
Expanding upon Oppenheimer’s miles high monster
Testing new nuclear technologies
In hopes of new weapons to master

Where will it end and what can be gained
From antagonizing immanent disaster?
Will it take decades of evil nuclear winter
To cool our American Tyrant’s fervor?

To impose our form of government
Upon the many nations at large
Is no different from a cruel dictator
Brow-beating and demanding subservience from his charge

Just because it’s not national, but wide-spread
Doesn’t justify his steadfast demand
It makes him a global totalitarian
No less a tyrant – no more a man


P ower-mongers and political entrepreneurs
O usting ideals to line their pockets
L eeching our freedoms to pander to the corporations
I nviting their eyes and fists into our homes and office
T esting their domination in our living rooms
I nstead ceasing to hear or help their constituents
C aring only for their level of political power and wealth
S evering the people’s trust and influence

I ncreasing interest in citizen’s private affairs
S ecret agendas yet permeate their lairs

E xcercising our freedoms require more and more permits
V alues circumvented by policy and paranoia
I ncessant monitoring of our actions and property
L essening freedoms daily their only propaganda


G ood and evil does not exist
O nly socially acceptable morality
O wing that the human heart will persist
D redging the bottom with legality

A nswering questions with reasoned thought
N egating indecision with rationality
D elving into our subconscious minds

E xcavating the past to find no finality
V enerating the truth to define the axis
I nsisting upon good and evil – rigidity
L ying to ourselves for the ‘benefit’ of mankind

D emeaning others as a source of superiority
O stracizing the minorities, keeping in check
E mpowering the social and ‘moral’ majority
S teamrolling opposing thoughts and beliefs to dust

N ever questioning in depth their morality
O pposition accepts their place in the world
T heir safe positions in a hostile society

E vil and good changing generation to generation
X enophobia heightened with violent sobriety
I nsisting we all believe in their lies
S itting on their thrones dictating legality
T hriving on prejudice, fear, and hate

These are some dark times politically speaking and I believe that Ron Paul is the shining beacon of truth, liberty, and freedom that we all need. We are less than a year away from possibly losing our democracy. If "King George's" successors (Guilianni or Clinton) come into power, I don't think that our country will survive for long. If things keep going like they are, I fear we may be in for a Second American Revolution, God forbid. That would be devestating for this country and I hope we can avoid it. This country needs Ron Paul!

Billy W. Mitchell

11-11-2007, 01:53 PM
Very thought provoking -