View Full Version : So I just launched a new blog

06-18-2007, 09:06 AM
The Political Seer (http://politicalseer.blogspot.com/)

My first post was about why Fred Thompson is getting so much attention. The second post is about the internal dangers that Ron Paul's campaign faces.

06-18-2007, 09:33 AM
I'd have replied in a comment on your blog, but the editor here is so much nicer.

Hey, change the color of your navbar to black... ;)

On Freddy... I think you're correct for the most part and his strongest quality is that he's an unknown.... and you're probably correct in predicting he'll implode.

On the pitfalls that Paul will face I'm not so much in agreement on...

1. Name Recognition ... Paul is fast becoming a household name, there is quite a lot of time to go and his popularity is by no means slowing down... in fact it seems to be snowballing, so this prolly won't be that much of a problem.

2. Money ... he'll never have what the corporate controlled candidate will, but he spends it much more wisely... it's still up in the air as to whether that'll be enough to offset the imbalance though.

3. A Party of Pro-War Conservatives ... as of right now the GOP is 25% against the war.... this number will only grow with time and more attrocities are exposed and the death toll rises, and you can count on the left media to point all that out... as the only Anti-War Republican, Paul will get ALL of the anti-war vote... the pro-war idiot will have to divide up the pro-war vote... if anti-war get's above say 30% and pro war is divided between two or three other candidates, then it's very close.

4. A Kook-looking Following ... Paul appeals to a broad spectrum of folks for a variety of reasons. It would be wise to keep the tent as big as possible. For the most part, the kook-factor has been blown way out of proportion and highlighted by those fighting against it. It's not really anyone's place to tell anyone else who to support or how to do it... we've got some serious 'too many chiefs' problems going on and all the folks passing out 'free advise' to everyone else really just come off looking like holier than thou assholes.

5. A Cult-like Devotion that is Frightening ... if Ron wasn't inspiring such fervent devotion, this campaign would have already been over. Get used to it.

06-18-2007, 10:16 AM
I actually like the attention Fred Thompson is getting. I do not think it hurts Ron Paul. Actually, I think it hurts John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. I support anything that will marginalize those two.

Once Fred Thompson reaches an actual debate, we'll see just how well he does.

06-18-2007, 11:06 AM
As far as the "kooks" go, that's based on my own observations at YouTube and other sites. I agree the tent should be big to people, but they ought to check their personal beliefs at the door.