View Full Version : Ron's closing comments, and some thoughts of my own...

01-20-2012, 01:26 AM
I noticed in Ron's closing comments he began by saying, "Well, South Carolina is known for their respect for liberty." He went on to explain the universal benefits of freedom no matter where one's from or their walk of life (in effect criticizing the shameless outright pandering that pretty much every other politician does).

What I think is really key here though, is his first setence. Now, I don't know about you but when I think of South Carolina, I don't think of respect for liberty. I don't think of that when I think of my state New Jersey or any other state for that matter. But what I think this represents is something very interesting... rather than pander (appealing to people's baser natures), Ron essentially did the opposite. He appealed to their better natures. The part of a person that understands liberty and knows in his or her own personal life -- in their heart, even -- that freedom works and that this is the real answer for society, not more power-politics and government solutions.

I think that most people really do get freedom on a basic level -- it's only when they're confronted with issues that have been abstracted and twisted by the media, and without knowing all the facts, they forget that they know freedom works and think the government has to or should "do something".

But at some level I think they do understand freedom -- albeit mostly just with things immediate to their lives. Ron's job and our job is to get people to realize that everything is connected, and the freedom of individuals to make choices is fundamental across the board for a peaceful, sane, and more happy society.

I know many will be cynical but I'm personally hopeful, at least in the long term, that people can wake up and learn that things can be done a different way, and that the world can be a different place if enough people want to make it one.

So let's do it. For our friends, our family, ourselves, for everyone we know and everyone we don't know, for all the people in history who had to live crushing, unhappy lives at the hands of those who said they knew how to run things for them better than they could and for all the people who have yet to even come into this world.

And for Ron.

Let's get to work.

01-20-2012, 02:12 AM
nice post. i noticed that too.

01-20-2012, 02:15 AM
good thought, i concur.

Taco John
01-20-2012, 02:20 AM
I'm getting the "what if Ron Paul managed to take second" tingles...