View Full Version : 3 weeks of Mitt Romney attacks in February

01-19-2012, 09:00 AM
Ron Paul has a real opportunity if he can make it through February 7th as the second place candidate. In February there will be 3 weeks with no primaries. This will be 3 weeks where Republicans will be able to re-evaluate whether or not they want Mitt Romney as their candidate. He will be attacked hard then from the left and the right. If Ron Paul can position himself well for AZ and MI he could ride those wins into Super Tuesday and on to win the election.

January 31, 2012
Florida (primary)

February 4, 2012
Nevada (caucus)

February 4–11, 2012
Maine (caucus)

February 7, 2012
Colorado (caucus)
Minnesota (caucus)
Missouri (primary)

3 weeks

February 28, 2012
Arizona (primary)
Michigan (primary)

March 3, 2012
Washington (caucus)

March 6, 2012
(Super Tuesday)
Alaska (caucus)
Georgia (primary)
Idaho (caucus)
Massachusetts (primary)
North Dakota (caucus)
Ohio (primary)
Oklahoma (primary)
Tennessee (primary)
Vermont (primary)
Virginia (primary)

01-19-2012, 09:03 AM
yeah that is pretty much his strategy. Get it down to a 2 man race ASAP and from there go scorched earth on Romney. Hope that the anyone but Romney force is stronger than the anyone but Paul contingency.