View Full Version : The key to winning South Carolina!! (URGENT!)

01-17-2012, 10:44 PM
Everyone the key to winning the SC is phonebanking of course.. but, also making sure independents and democrats come and support Ron Paul! As SC is an open primary anyone can vote. So i say we need to focus on rallying independents and democrats. In NH not only did we place 2nd in the republican primary we placed 2nd place in the democratic primary with over 2,500 write ins! And just imagine if we could double that or triple that with knowledge of an open primary!

We need to be running ads over facebook asap letting democrats and independents now that they can vote because the media has been been spreading the message that they cant, 2 people i talked to said they didn't know it was an open primary for there state.. And they would now be voting For Dr. Paul! We can win this with the democrat and independent vote im telling you guys. If someone can get a chipin going for running ads for south carolina, or even we all again use free ad credit up to $50 and target these voters let's make sure we win this for Dr. Paul!