View Full Version : Article: Numbers USA Influence Strong, Might Haunt Ron Paul

01-17-2012, 02:39 PM
This is the first I heard of it. I am now going to read the immigration chapter in his latest book. Before he seemed to be for the rule of law, but if the citations the Numbers USA quotes are true then I really don't know what to think... It makes it look like he supports cosmopolitan law on illegal alien issues, which would be sort of hypocritical and I am sure this will come back to haunt him.

I am not sure if this is a deal breaker for me, so I am off to pick up a copy of his book and form my own opinion. I still think Ron Paul is supremely strong on economics, which is why I support him, but if the quoted positions are true then it changes my opinion of him. Makes me skeptical.

Numbers USA Influence Highlights

Ron Paul Got An F Ranking From Them

It looks like they are a legit group, I wish Ron Paul would address this issue for rule of law folks like myself. Ugggggh

01-17-2012, 02:54 PM
How about the reverse. People who may have supported that organization have now abandoned it due to b.s. ratings they gave Paul.

01-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Look at the rating they give his congressional record, then you'll see why the F is pure B.S.

01-17-2012, 04:07 PM
I don't really get where your problem is. I read the majority of the quotes on there, but not all of them...

He feels that most illegals who are here are here to stay, and doesn't support deporting them. Neither does he support giving them automatic citizenship, and therefore the right to influence our country through elections - that would not be in our best interest to have a bunch of new liberals voting accordingly in every election. He maintains that illegals come here because of the free welfare. We don't let them die on the street or starve to death, we use our money to pay for them. It is undeniable that it is a sub-group that also has a higher rate of criminal behavior, which is typical of poverty and not a racial point, and therefore we lose lives and property to this group as well. To stop the influx of illegal immigrants, he suggests that we get rid of the welfare, or "incentive" if you will. This is logical to me.

Beyond that, he's stated that he is not opposed to a "path to citizenship" following some program to assimilate these people into the American way, and at that point I am sure he would not oppose full citizenship. I agree that assimilation needs to take place first, and that while we should make immigrating here easier, we should make becoming a citizen harder. My best friends fiance was born here, so she is legal. Some of her family here isn't legal. She grew up in America, not Mexico, and yet I observe in horror how she celebrates Mexican holidays and talks so much about her pride for Mexico etc etc, while not doing the same for American holidays and is generally ignorant of our history, the Constitution, etc etc. No dog can serve to masters...

To be clear, I like her as a person. I have a hard time thinking of her as "American" though, and am bothered by the fact that she has a legal right to vote because she was essentially an anchor baby. We can't just let people be citizens because they were born in the right place at the right time when their families aren't going to bring them up as Americans...

01-17-2012, 04:10 PM
Numbers USA is the worst kind of immigration group. They've been taking out ads saying to limit legal immigration. Disgusting.