View Full Version : Keeping the message simple: WARS => DEFICTS => MONEY PRINTING => INFLATION

01-17-2012, 11:10 AM
In the recent debates, RP got attacked for his foreign policy. The major achilles heel of the neocon foreign policy is fiscal responsibility. I think it's the best way to win over people. It's much easier to debate the economic consequences of all these wars than to convince people on the immorality and blowbacks of foreign adventurism. The neocon candidates all claim to be for cutting spending, although they pledge not to cut 1 dime from the rampant militarism. It's impossible to balance the budget without cutting militarism, though. This hypocrisy needs to be exposed. According to surveys, the deficit is the no1 issue for voters. The key imho is to show voters how a war affects them personally. The line of argumentation could be:
More Wars => more deficit spending => more money printing => higher prices for everyone/inflation

What do you think?