View Full Version : Suggestion to Combat the Pharisees Backing of Santorum.

01-15-2012, 12:03 AM
It may be too late, but grassroots people in South Carolina, you may want to consider handing out flyers tomorrow to people as they leave church designed to inform people about Ron Paul's position on various "christian" issues... especially abortion since there is a lot of misinformation out there on that topic.

A group of evangelical pharisee "leaders" have decided Santorum, who seems to have nothing but hate for others, is the best thing for evangelicals. They made the wrong choice with Santorum and he will get a boost from that for sure. Ron Paul should absolutely DOMINATE the evangelical vote and this is obvious to anyone who is both a Ron Paul fan and a conservative Christian. The reason for that is that Ron Paul is a genuine true Christian, whereas Sanatorum is a poser seeking power to violently force people to do his bidding. There is zero reason anyone but Paul should be getting votes from evangelicals... its the easiest pitch there is to make if you have all the information at your disposal.

I suggest the flyer have five issues with three bullet points each for maximum punch. Each issue should include a bible verse if you are going to pass this out at a church. Being a Christian would be enormous help.

Here is an incomplete rough draft (I don't have the time to complete):

Here is a rough outline that I unfortunately don't have time to complete.
Title: Ron Paul, Genuine Compassionate Conservative for President
#1 Pro-Life
- Ron Paul's ENTIRE FAMILY left the Episcopalian church after it adopted a pro-choice position.
- As an OB/GYN who delivered over 4,000 babies, Ron Paul knows firsthand how precious, fragile, and in need of protection life is. (from ronpaul2012 website).
- Ron Paul's first book, Abortion and Liberty, encourages everyone to adopt a pro-life position.
- (insert Bible verse here)

#2 Homeschooling Rights
- Ron Paul's focus in education is to allow parents to fully control the education of their children.

#3 Strong on Defense, Favors Peace?

#4 Ending Corruption in Politics
- Ron Paul doesn't dream of occupying the White House, he dreams of changing history for the better. This is what separates the corrupt powerful money-changers in office from the people trying to root it out.
- (something about Ron Paul's integrity here)

#5 Fighting Against the Attack on Christianity by the Left
- (something about religious speech in public places here (like the 10 commandments being removed from government buildings)
- (something about prayer in school)

For bonus points, you could use Bible verses Ron Paul himself quoted at the Value Voters debate in 2007 or 2011, then say something like "John 3:16 For all have sinned..." as quoted by Ron Paul at the Value Voters debate on (date).

Of course if you are asked to leave by someone in charge, just do so without asking any questions or making a fuss. Chances are you will not be asked to leave if all you do is quietly hand out the flyer.

01-15-2012, 12:11 AM
Yes. Lets do this.

01-15-2012, 12:23 AM
Politicking at church when you're not a member is generally frowned upon.

01-15-2012, 12:24 AM
Just point out that Santorum is a Bush clone who voted for big government (prescription drug plan, etc.) whenever he was told to.

01-15-2012, 12:25 AM
"Those at the temple know not what they worship."

01-15-2012, 12:25 AM
Related: check out my post re: appealing to evangelicals on Israel/Iran


Your points are great though. IMO the two areas that have Paul behind among this group is Israel/Iran, and gay marriage. But ironically, his stance on marriage is a dealmaker for others. My sister is an independent and likely won't caucus, but may vote in the general election and she said the only Republican candidate she could vote for is Paul because he's not against gay marriage. She sees being against gay marriage as opposing the pursuit of happiness of a subgroup of the population.

As far as a fundie pitch, maybe something like -- Getting the government out of the business of sanctioning marriage would "defend" marriage much more effectively than an act of Congress. Religious people could get married solely because of what their beliefs lead them to do, and people who are not religious but want to get married so that they can get some kind of government payoff for it would be less likely to make bad marriage choices. The way things are going, it seems much more likely that the federal government will sanction gay marriage than ban it in the future (ref: military DADT repeal). So the best way to protect marriage is to take away that sanctioning power from the federal government so that it can't continue to force liberal social agenda items on the country.


Note: nationwide, being against any form of gay marriage is a losing issue that will cost general election votes. The people advocating a federal ban are costing themselves independent support.