View Full Version : Assuring a pro-Paul Congress

01-13-2012, 01:33 PM
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I've been a devout Ron Paul supporter for around a year now, but I've been a Liberty supporter for all of my 19 years. I'm really impressed by the enthusiasm here and I'm looking forward to doing my part.

Anyway, a lot of "journalists" have been asking Dr. Paul how he will get things passed in Congress if he becomes president. Dr. Paul always responds that he can get the Democrats to agree to cut military spending if they cut domestic spending and the Republicans can agree to do the opposite. The problem that I am seeing is that many of these people are so attached to the big-government mindset that they might think their constituents would prefer if they just filibuster everything Dr. Paul wants to get through. Essentially, I'm worried about a coalition of statists blocking pro-liberty reforms that President Paul would bring in.

I think that we should develop a very cohesive plan to ensure that does not occur. There are three "points of attack" that will help us do this:

Strongly support candidates running for US Congress primaries that would favor Dr. Paul's agenda if they are elected. A second-best option would be voting for people who we know will be reliable votes on certain issues. If people are really enthusiastic, I'd even recommend working to anticipate who can be brought into a coalition in Congress come 2013.
Organize a very efficient calling campaign to persuade Congressmen to vote the right way. If a crucial vote is coming up in the Congress, we should be prepared to have 535 phones ringing off the hook. We cannot allow them to delude themselves into believing that blocking a President Paul agenda is what their constituents want.
Start regular "town hall" meetings at a certain place in your town for the politically engaged. If you can create a large enough group that meets regularly, it's useful for 2 reasons. The first is that you then have a very big soapbox, from which you can preach the message of liberty. The second is that the group will have more sway with some Congressmen, as they tend to listen to groups more than individuals anyway.

NOTE: These can all be useful even before a Paul presidency, or in the event that we have a Romney or Obama presidency instead.

Anyway, I'm really eager to hear your thoughts and ideas. Perhaps you'll all like it and we can get the ball rolling on things like this.
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, forgive a newbie. :)