View Full Version : Ron Pauls campaign requests all candidates to drop out!:D

01-11-2012, 07:30 PM
The race is becoming more clearly a two-man race between establishment candidate Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, the candidate of authentic change. That means there is only one true conservative choice. …

We urge Ron Paul’s opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul’s candidacy.

Ron Paul has the boldest plan to cut spending, a dedication to protecting life, and a lifelong dedication to the Constitution and limited government. He also has the necessary support to campaign nationwide against Mitt Romney.


01-11-2012, 07:39 PM
Levin was just saying how Perry and Grinch need to drop so the conservatives can unite behind Santy since Paul wants to make it a he v. Romney race. Heh

01-11-2012, 07:52 PM
Levin was just saying how Perry and Grinch need to drop so the conservatives can unite behind Santy since Paul wants to make it a he v. Romney race. Heh

IMHO, this would only be a short-lived setback...sadly, one that might deflate the "momentum" that we have at the moment. Newt is done...the negative attack ads have lit his fuse and he is essentially self-imploding. Even funnier, he doesn't realize it, and is going to continue running out of spite. The worse he does, the worse it will get. Perry dropping out isn't going to do much...what's he at, 1-2%? Santorum might get a short-lived bump out of something like this, especially from evangelicals, but his social views make him unacceptable, and frankly, the true definition of a fringe candidate (though not as bad as Vermin Supreme). The GOP isn't stupid - they aren't going to run a gay-bashing fundamentalist who is against contraception against Obama. Democrats would have a field day...it would be funny, but it isn't worth it. Once vetted, he would pop like a balloon. Huntsman I don't follow as much, but following NH I suspect he will "surge" and then drop like everyone else. There is supposed to be a meeting of religious leaders coming up to choose who to try and push their flocks behind...creating a surge for one of the first three I mentioned.

Paul and Huntsman aren't on their list of options. We have to whittle these numbers down, but I don't see how to do this other than just running a longer campaign at this point, because none of them have the money or resources. The campaigns attack ads have been great, while sticking to fact rather than going "negative", but frankly I don't think Paul does a very good job of "attacking" people himself. He's not one to enjoy conflict and it shows. The only real "score" I saw during the debate where he was really negative was against the chicken-hawk, and that was because he was emotionally invested in that attack - it was from the heart. Glad he changed the pace for the next day.

He's been a one-man wrecking crew though during this campaign. I hope he keeps it up!