View Full Version : Exit Poll in NH gives Ron Paul Hope as he Appeals to Diverse Groups

01-11-2012, 06:31 AM
Within minutes of declaring that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had won the GOP primary election in New Hampshire, the Fox News Channel released a detailed set of data from its on-the-ground exit polls.

The central message that emerged from those polls was that Texas Rep. Ron Paul held sway over significant demographic groups within New Hampshire.

Going beyond simple vote totals, exit polls can give campaign strategists — and the news media — a detailed picture of why certain groups voted the way they did.

According to the Fox News exit polls, older voters were Romney’s comfort zone: He won a plurality, 39 percent, of voter support from those over 40. But Paul was the choice of 48 percent of voters under 30 years of age — a percentage more than twice as great as Romney’s.

Within minutes of declaring that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had won the GOP primary election in New Hampshire, the Fox News Channel released a detailed set of data from its on-the-ground exit polls.
