View Full Version : Is there a ``conservative`` among our Republican presidential candidates?

01-08-2012, 07:44 PM

It is sickening to hear our Republican presidential candidates each laying claim to being the real “conservative” when a close inspection reveals there is no conservative thought among them when it comes to their tax reform proposals.

The sad truth is, something is very wrong in American when our so called “conservative” Republicans who are running to be president of the United States have no problem with a tax system which not only allows Congress to tax the profits and gains of America’s businesses, industries and manufactures, which is encouraging them to leave America and makes them less completive with their foreign counterparts, but these candidates also embrace a tax system which allows Congress to sneakily impose countless hidden taxes on the necessities of life which working people must purchase, in addition to taxing their earned wages! Is this not in reality double taxation?

And what did our founders intend when creating our nation’s first revenue raising act? Did they intend to allow Congress to burden America’s businesses, manufactures and labor with oppressive taxation? Madison summarizes the object to be accomplished as follows:

“…a national revenue must be obtained; but the system must be such a one, that, while it secures the object of revenue it shall not be oppressive to our constituents.”___ Madison, during the creation of our Nation’s first revenue raising Act (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llac&fileName=001/llac001.db&recNum=55)

And the Act went on to raising a federal revenue by taxing at our water’s edge and having foreigners paying for the privilege of doing business on American soil, much like one pays for a ticket to sell one’s goods, wares and merchandise at a flee market. And note, under our founder’s first revenue raising act not one dime was raised by taxing America’s businesses, industries or manufactures, nor the wages which working people earned. That didn’t start until after the progressives’ occupation of America and their beloved 16th Amendment, which has since been used by the leadership of both political parties to not only create the class warfare tax game that now divides the American people, but is happily used by the leadership of both political parties to plunder what America’s businesses and labor have produced.

And let us recall that the progressives’ 16thAmendment was made popular by relying upon class warfare right from the very beginning. Its battle cry then, as now being panhandled by Obama, was to have the rich pay their fair share. During the 16th Amendment debates we find Mr. HEFLIN agitating the working class people into supporting the amendment by saying “An income tax seeks to reach the unearned wealth of the country and to make it pay its share.” 44 Cong. Rec. 4420 (1909). Note the wording “unearned wealth“ as distinguished from earned wages.

And this was shortly after Mr. BARTLETT of Georgia had begun the class warfare attack by preaching to the working poor: As I see it, the fairest of all taxes is of this nature [a tax on gains, profits and unearned income], laid according to wealth, and its universal adoption would be a benign blessing to mankind. The door is shut against it, and the people must continue to groan beneath the burdens of tariff taxes and robbery under the guise of law.” 44 Cong. Rec. 4414 (1909).

But what these cunning scumbag con artists really had in mind was to create a tax allowing the expansion of the federal government’s manipulative iron fist over the economy which would eventually be used to also squeeze the working people’s earned wages from their pockets in a more devastating manner than any tariff has ever done! But our progressive gang on Capitol Hill were sneaky enough to wait for one generation to pass after the adoption of the 16th Amendment and a war to begin before completing their mission __ the imposition of the Temporary Victory Tax of 1942__ which expanded the income tax upon corporations and businesses to include a 5 percent temporary tax upon working people’s earned wages. And although the 16th Amendment was sold as a way to tax “unearned income”, the temporary tax on working people’s earned wages was sold as a patriotic necessity in the war effort. But somehow this tax, which robs the bread which labor has earned, is still to this very day being collected, and its burden has constantly increased over the years, forcing millions upon millions of working people into a state of poverty and then dependency upon government for their subsistence, an outcome which is needed by progressives on Capitol Hill to maintain a captive voting block!

Now, which of our “conservative” Republican presidential candidates will rally and unit America’s businesses, industries, manufactures, and working class people into ending the progressive’s occupation of America which began in 1913 with the 16th Amendment and taxes laid and collected which are calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other ’incomes”? Who will it be that supports real tax reform, the 32 word solution, bringing us back to our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN (http://townshipnews.org/?p=1360) as our founders intended it to operate?

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money


“…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address

01-08-2012, 07:48 PM
I wonder what Ron thinks of the state-rate tax plan?

01-08-2012, 08:42 PM
I wonder what Ron thinks of the state-rate tax plan?

That’s a good question. I do know that a copy of “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan” was hand delivered to every House and Senate member’s office in 1985-6.


Health care by consent of the governed (Article 5) our amendment process --- tyranny by a Supreme Court's progressive majority vote